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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it better to aspire to be a citizen of the world rather than a citizen of you

Question: Is it better to aspire to be a citizen of the world rather than a citizen of your native country!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i like this question!. i've asked it, myself, many times!. i've come to the answer: yes!
why!? because countries bring rivalry and emnity between peoples!. look at war, religious arguements, feelings of superiority, racism!. by putting yourself in a group with some people, you distance yourself from others!. that should not be our goal!. humans are more alike than different (i think someone said this above)!. we should focus on that!.

the future lies in holding together with love and tolerance, not fighting under the primitive jungle law of "survival of the fittest - my country has to be the best"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is Honourable to be a citizen of the world , because people will always find you interesting and you may become more attuned to what is going on in almost the whole world, so it is quite a goal to aspire to, but how many have the leisure , money to follow that goal !? Some positions offer work in several countries so this may be a way that some initiate the experience to begin with!.
A citizen of their native country aspires to look after themselves first with the material things they possess, does that make you a better person !? i don't know!.!.!.but something has to be said for the tax contribution of this person!.!.!.!.because they are out on a limb in most cases as country's become more greedy on this government ploy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In the Unites States we became (legal) citizens of our country under the 14th Amendment!. Before that we were citizens only of our States, with reciprocal rights in each of the "several states!." We lost many of our rights because of the 14th!. I don't plan to lose even more by some law that makes me a "citizen" of the entire world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your native country represents only a small piece of the world!.!.!. if your actions are not hurting the rest of the world, then feel free to choose whatever!.!.!. but if you have an effect on the rest of the world, then you need to take responsibility, whether or not you consider yourself a 'citizen'!.!.!. America's Industrial Revolution from World War I failed to think about the potential effects it would have on the world!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha!.!.!.good luck with that!. Most people can't do well enough to qualify as being a citizen of their own house!. I say take care of what is 10 ft around you!. Once that is taken care of, expand the halo in steps until you fulfill your goal!. With this in mind, you will quickly see how difficult it is to be a citizen of a city, much less the world!.
(I am interpreting your view of "citizen" as being a resident who contributes, verses the dictionary one who pays taxes and follows the rules of the governing body over them)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very, very good question!. Thumbs up as question of the day!

There are many answers but here is nine!.

There is a delicate balance in leadership!. While doing whats best for the people who elected you to office, you have to think on every scale of how to do so!. What's in the peoples best interest is to remain friends with the worlds community!. Our foreign policy cannot continue as is!. Inevitably, the biggest kid on the block will get his butt kicked!. He might be bully and head honcho for awhile, but given time, he will get whats coming to him!.

As Americans, we have not chosen an agressive foreign policy!. Those sent to represent us have chosen it for us!. But it does not represent the peoples wishes as it will certainly make many enemies!. We are the worlds biggest target because of our foreign policy!. It may result in the fall of our nation! We will be attacked hard one day!. It will devestate, but at the same time, wake up the great voice of the American people!.

To answer your question I would have to look at my country and our state of well being!. The answer is it is better to be a citizen of the world while protecting the interests of those your sent to represent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As someone who has travelled and taken up residence and work in a number of countries (I don't think I'll ever go back to live in the country of my birth!.!.!.!.but you never know)!. also having many friends/collegues who do much the same!.
I think it refers to a feeling of detachment!.!.!.!. of not being identified very much with your country of origin and feeling at home and being able to adapt to many different environments and peoples!.
I'd recommend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, as all persons are connected by the interdependence of their arising!.
Well all now live in a small global village where we need desperately to learn to cooperate and work with one another for the benefit of one and all!.
War should now be obsolete and will hopefully become a thing of the past as should it continue in its present manner and form, there will be no one to cooperate with!.

Be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. Throughout history we've been taught to fear and hate what we don't understand!. It's up to us to get to know each other, to not fear each other, and not allow our governments and religions to use us for murder!. Every little bit of hate, every little bit of fear, even the smallest, contributes to our own misery!. It all comes back and we have spent far too long silencing each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no such status as a citizen of the world!.

Why!? Because there is no such government of the world!.

But there is such a thing as government of a country, so you can only be a citizen of a country or a permanent resident of a country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First be a worthy citizen of whatever your birth country happens to be!.

Then strive to be a worthy world citizen!. That individual will almost certainly be more worthy than his or her current government!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.it is better to just be Yourself and be Aware of that which is around you!. In doing so!.!.!.you become a part of the greater whole!.
Peace and Love to All

I am an individual!.

Since I believe that we are all more alike than different
I'm more classified as a member of the human race!.

Not sure if that answers your question or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no way dude , look after your own first , the world only wants to fight for things they dont have a right to !.Www@QuestionHome@Com