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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think beauty is important?

Question: Do you think beauty is important!?
just wondering!.!.!. cos the world today usually puts beauty before brains!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
True Beauty - yes!. It is not so much the beauty that is important - because there is astounding beauty in everything and everyone - but that we can perceive beauty, true Beauty, and not the popularized egotistical and judgmental beauty that floods our media and the common psyche!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Plainly, the world presents challenges to us all that we must overcome in order to live our daily lives!. For nearly all of us, these challenges will be overcome by our ability to think, not our looks!.

However, beauty does matter!. Most members of our species only choose to mate with people we find beautiful in one respect or another, so one could argue that the future of humanity depends upon human beings finding each other attractive!.

Further, there is a sense of artistry in beauty, whether it be a person who sings well, dresses well, looks good or even comports himself or herself with with grace and dignity!. Most people appreciate the beauty we find both in the world around us and in our fellow man - it makes what could be a cold and hard existence quite a bit more pleasant!.

So, to answer your question!. Do I think beauty is important!? Yes!. Would I put beauty before brains!? No, but they are not mutually exclusive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We all know it is; we're mostly beauty conscious people!.
Yes, it's important BUT only to a certain extent!. I suppose the beauty gives you some advantages but definitely, it's not what's most important!. Other factors should be taken into consideration--especially one's personality!. After all, we shouldn't judge a book by its cover!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A male friend of mine once said, "Once a woman is considered beautiful even at all!.!.!.I see her as being just as beautiful as the most beautiful movie star, if she's got the personality to back it up!." And I know that he meant that, because I've seen him date supermodel types!.!.!.but i've seen him get far farrrrrr more excited about your "average everyday beauty" who has wit, and integrity!.

And as for me, I've dated some tall, dark and handsome ones!.!.!.!.but I don't think I've ever genuinely liked anyone as much as this chubby, short guy (i mean reallllly short) who made me laugh like no one ever has!. I mean!.!.!.I haven't seen him in sooooo many years, but I still sometimes compare guys to him!. And no matter how attractive they are!.!.!.!.they just don't measure up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends how you define beauty!.!.!. if you mean physical appearance, then sadly it does matter to some degree!. Study's have shown that people who are considered pretty have "easier" lives and don't have to prove themselves as much!. But you need to look beyond physical appearances and look for beauty inside!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think beauty is important, but its definition extends beyond the physical!.

I also think beauty develops!. I think my boyfriend is far more beautiful after two years in a relationship because his smile reminds me of things we've done together and I associate his face with feeling happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

beauty is an illusion devised by man there is no such thing as beauty only what is appealing to the indidvidual and what is not and somtimes we take the majority of the thought of individuals and form it into an illusion such as beautyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, yes!.

Brains are important, no doubt!.
So is inner beauty!.
But, I don't think physical beauty should be ignored!.

Everyone is beautiful, inside and out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is beauty in everything , the brain makes it possible to become aware of it !. Now what you are saying is that our society
is messed up!. on that you are right !.!. Be wellWww@QuestionHome@Com

Important for what!?

Not very important for most things!.

Beauty is a luxury for those who don't have it and a burden for those who do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, the world puts beauty before brains, but a woman is just as pretty as her brains are smart!Www@QuestionHome@Com

in society, yes it is very important!. and its sickening!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

brains enhance the beauty of a woman!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beauty and the brains!
with brains, u can create beauty!.!.
Plastic surgery!
from where!? brain of course!Www@QuestionHome@Com

no because if you are using beauty as a way of telling who u r then you are just lying to yourselfWww@QuestionHome@Com