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Position:Home>Philosophy> Could i have a philosophical experience from a slice of pizza?

Question: Could i have a philosophical experience from a slice of pizza!?
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of course, knock yourself out!. LOLWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sure, why not!? Newton had a scientific revelation from an apple!.

A slice of pizza is a sign of how so many element from nature are taken so far from their source and original state to serve Mankind!.

It could also make you think of how much weight you could gain leading you to the thought of why overweight people are looked down upon by many people and why being thin is the symbol of beauty, whereas in the past being fat was a sign of beauty, aristocracy and being rich!.

Is it because people feel they have no right to occupy the extra space they're taking up from the world!? Or because they are substituting the space that could be taken up by them by possessions and material thing!?

See where a slice of pizza can get you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you regard pizza as the vehicle for your philosophical thoughts then yes!

Just one slant!.!.!.surely pizza in itself is representative of our (human) use of the natural world!.!.!.a sustenance created from basic, grown ingredients - or more so, a combination of grown and biological (meat)!.

Pizza could also represent our society as a fast food world - that is!.!.!.not just in the respect of food but in the respect that we - particularly western society - do not like to travel slowly!.!.!.we don't grow and harvest the wheat then feed - no, we send for pizza and then the food is available near immediately!.!.!.just how our lives are becoming in this age of instant communication worldwide and the global village the internet provides!.

In this fast food society of instanteous gratification - information, entertainment, titillation, debate, advice - the list goes on!. Pizza is just representative! Like I said!.!.!.a vehicle for the thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea sure!.
A slice of pizza could mean a slice of the sky!. [If you are a poet]
A slice of pizza could mean a slice of jaded opportunity!.[If you are a job seeker]
A slice of pizza could mean the lower lip of your X [If you can't get over 'em]
A slice of pizza could mean a city of votes [If you are in politics]
A slice of pizza could mean !.!.!. How lazy I gotta get!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, you can not have a pholosophical experience from a slice of pizza!. Pizza is just fast food nothing else!. If you want to be a philosopher than you have to read more book on philosophy and study the mind of the peoples!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes but you can also have a religious experience along with it
especially if you are sitting in a piatza in Italy on a warm spring afternoon with a glass of wine listening to Andrei Bocelli sing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course!. Inspiration comes from anything that we can perceive, and that includes our imagination!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the idea that you need to read books on philosophy to become a philosopher is totally incorrect!. Sarte talks endlessly about his philosophical experiences from everyday mundane things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dependant on your state of mind and whether you are under the influence of alcohol or any drug induced state!.

Short answer is yes you could!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Indeed, but in epistemological terms it would likely be considered a debate about empiricism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No - just gas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

depend what the toppings were!?Www@QuestionHome@Com