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Position:Home>Philosophy> Life's perpective? What is it really in general?

Question: Life's perpective!? What is it really in general!?
Are we truly able to perceive life in all its glory and ugliness!? Or, do we only perceive it the way we want it to be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There were two people that, upon reading a question, quickly saw that there was something wrong about it!. They were right, there was something wrong about the spelling in one of the words!.

It was the way that they perceive it!. They saw the error in it and they were right about it!. But that was all that they perceived!.

Soon, others came and read the same question!. And like the other two, they saw the small error!. But, what's different is that they perceived something more!. It wasn't the spelling that truly mattered but the question itself!.

The first two only perceived the error but the others saw through it and saw the true purpose of the question, and it was a question about how people perceived life!.

Like the story above, the way people would perceive life will largely depend on the individual itself and his/her ability to see through the glory or the ugliness of it!.

Some will only see what they can but some can see more clearly, more deeper and with greater intent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally believe that people who live by the concept of objective reality, perceive a more realistic view of life's glory and ugliness!. I also believe that the way we perceive things is filtered by a combination of our subjective beliefs, continually changing moods, upbringing, thoughts and experiences!. Often, our subjective perceptions occur unconciously and hence, cannot be controlled!. Accordingly, we can learn to filter the negative factors found within our lives and in essence, focus our attention towards life's beauty!. In this sense, people may perceive life as a wonderful and beautiful entity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some individuals being far more perceptive than others might have an in depth overview of life!.

Yet others might believe life is what the TV or religion tells them it is!. Thereby only seeing life the way they want, or the way people tell them it appears!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

many people can only see life the way they want to see it or believe what or how life isWww@QuestionHome@Com

you spelled perspective wrong doucheWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah learn to spell perspective first!.i dont know how you became a top contributorWww@QuestionHome@Com

as i always say llife is nothin but a lotta free timeWww@QuestionHome@Com