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Position:Home>Philosophy> Nihilism just for argument's sake?

Question: Nihilism just for argument's sake!?
If nihilists are people who believes in nothing, why do they still believe in nothing!?

I mean believing in nothing is still believing in something!.!.!.

thorough explanation please!?

just curious!.!.!. thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nihilism is an inherently self-contradictory philosophy in a number of ways!. Some of the earliest mentions of it were not as something to be believed in, but rather something to argue against!.

But if I put on my post-modern hat for a moment, I could ask, "Why is it that you believe that things have to make sense!? Hasn't the universe provided you with enough things that you don't understand and seem completely borked yet!?"

In other words, to a true nihilist, having a contradictory philosophy is not really a problem!. It just demonstrates their underlying point - that there is no point in believing in anything!. Even nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your question is based on the mistaken belief that nothing is a sort of something!. When someone says "I have nothing in my pocket", they don't mean that there is one thing in their pocket that is called "nothing"!. They mean that there are no things in their pocket!. Nothing is the absence of any and all somethings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well they don't really believe in nothing!. They just don't believe in morality or God and that there is no purpose or higher meaning to life!. The term has been used as an attack to mean those who believe in nothing but that's not really what it means!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm!.!.!.thats an interesting thought but my slant is that it could just be a bit of word play too!.!.!.

Not so much the phrasing "believes in nothing" as opposed to perhaps that a nihilist does not believe in anything!Www@QuestionHome@Com