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Position:Home>Philosophy> If you're caught in a time paradox, what will happen?

Question: If you're caught in a time paradox, what will happen!?
Opinions and hypothesis only, and don't say 'nobody knows'!. Everyone knows that nobody knows!
What do you think happens if you're caught in a time paradox (Time paradox: You go back in time to kill your mother, and thusly making you not exist, but if you don't exist then you can't kill your mother, so you will exist, but if you exist then you WILL kill your mother!.!.!. etc!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually, what I think is that there are numerous universes where you exist and your mother, then you exist to kill your mother, and then you don't exist because your mother died by your hand and due to your ability to jump dimensions!. Endless possibilities!. In the end, I believe no one will notice, and once you kill her, life will continue as if nothing happened!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there's only way to look at this

first i want to point out that your question implies Causality!.

Therefore, if you go back in time and kill your mother, then your mother will be dead and you'd still be alive!.

lemmie explain!.

imagine this as your currrent time line:

----------\-a-------------------------!.!.!. Time line A
-------------a------------------------!.!.!. Time line B

You're living your life in time line "A"!. Then somehow you invent the "flux capacitor" at point "b" You go back in time to point "a", and "kill" your mother!. A new time line B is formed because now the universe will go through a completely new chain of events!. People that you spoke to, influenced, food that you ate, gas that you used, all that is gone now, so time line B is formed, it is an adjustment of time line A, the what if you never exist time line!. In this time line there is no "you" but you still exist because you come from another time line, so the you of time line A is living in time line B, of which there is no "you" specific for time line bWww@QuestionHome@Com

TIME is relative as with the passage of two points!.

Like space, time is a bestowal of Paradise, but not in the same sense, only indirectly!.
Time comes by virtue of motion and because mind is inherently aware of sequentially!.
From a practical viewpoint, motion is essential to time, but there is no universal time unit
based on motion!.

Consider time in this context; The absolute level is beginningless, endless, timeless, and
spaceless!. For example: On Paradise, time and space are nonexistent; the time-space
status of Paradise is absolute!.

This could be understood by considering Paradise is a state of perfection where
movement is not a fact or reality!.

Or a stationary point where seven Universe’ move around it held by the Energies of Space

For a broader understanding time is mentioned 2354 time at the link below!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on if the many worlds interpertation of quantum mechanics is consistent with reality or not!.
If it is then you you go back in time (from this universe that progressed without your time travel in up till the moment you decide to surf the rivers of time) and then wind up in a different one (a universe where you show up not from the future but from a parallel universe and into one that is just like your except starting from the moment you arrive in the past all events after that will be adjusted for what ever actions you make after you reach this universe) so that you would simply kill your mother and then probably wind up in prison for murder and be doomed to live out the rest of your existence in a parallel dimensional universe that takes into account that you have killed your own mother, you will elimate the possiblity of a parallel you ever existing in that universe but since you are not in the same universe that you started from there will be no pesky paradoxs!.
Now as for other possiblities theories range from the destruction of space time itself because of the ripping that would occur where two of the same universal points begin to battle over control of which reality should exist, and a whole host of other fantastic ideas and wonderful speculation!.
The point however remains that we are never going to be able to test any of the ideas until we actualy build a time machine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first off!.!.!.i wouldnt kill my mom!.!.!.!.would probably go for all the moms of the chicks in "the view" lol!.!.!.!.!.!.

but idk if youve heard of this theory called the "x theory" or "matrix theory"!.!.!.!.!.!.
pretty much states that there might be an infinite number of "realities" n einstein proposed that a possible way to navigate through these realities is black holes!.!.!.!.!.so if you "went back in time" you could go to a reality that is 10 years ago today (example) n kill your mom!.!.!.!.but wont affect you because your on your own reality!.!.!.!.
kinda more to this theory!.!.!.!.n kinda confusing!.!.!.!.!.but thats what i think about your paradoxWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is impossible except for in the human mind!. Your mind can fathom the concept but the laws of physics prohibit the actuality!. Therefore my answer is: If you convinced yourself you were in a time paradox you would be insane!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Excuse me but I've entered some kind of repeating time paradox where I keep reliving someone saying they are going to kill their mother over and over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You would become a dyslexic agnostic and spend all eternity wondering if there really was a Dog!.


You start to disappear, and you fade from pictures!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok, I am in my dream paradox!.!.!.!. i get a dream, I decide to make a call, Heath Ledger lives, end of paradox!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is not a "nobody knows" answer, though you may not like it!.!.!.

A "time paradox" cannot happen!. Or, more precisely, when you say "time paradox," you're using words to describe something that

1) doesn't exist in reality
2) is not well-defined in your imagination!.

these type of "paradoxes" became standard science-fiction fare ever since and some people mistakenly used the theory of relativity to postulate the possibility of "time travel!." The term "time travel" is very bad language usage, in this way:

you "travel" over a distance, through space
"time" is not a measurement over distance, or a space-like entity!.

The whole problem was in postulating space-time to fit relativity, people began to assume time was simply another dimension just like the "3 dimensions" of space, and that things that applied to space could apply to time also!. Never mind that nothing has been observed to behave in time as it does in space; if time has to be treated as some kind of extra dimension for relativity's equations to work, then that extra dimension must be the same kind as the first three!.!.!.

so goes the usual thinking, despite overwhelming observed evidence that it's NOT like the 1st 3 at all, whether you think of it as a 4th dimension or not!.

Movement words in English generally have spatial usages, and exceptions are generally applications to spatial visualisations!. For instance, if a receptionist says, "I'm going to move your appointment from friday to monday," the movement they are referring to is in their field of vision, i!.e!. the calendar in front of them, or at least visualised in their mind!. People try to make time work with movement by inventing notions like "time lines" (again, falsely assigning time to have space-like qualities) and then imagining time travel to be like movement along an imaginary line!.

It is generally impossible to talk of "moving" through time, without first making the error of supposing time to be like space in some way, to fit the usage of the word you're trying to apply to it!.

Word usage is also used to mask the deliberate vagueness of "time travel"-type expressions, to make it seem like they actually mean something!.

For instance, what do you mean by, "you go back in time to kill your mother!.!.!."

do you mean, "you were here at about the present time, but at some time before you were born, you killed your mother, preventing you from existing!?" Well, that would only work out to being basically a false statement, nothing special about it!.

It's phrasing it as "going back in time" that masks its obvious self-contradiction!. It's not a matter of just HOW you "go back in time," but of what you mean by that!. Beyond simply, "you are here now, and you also were there in the past!?" Is there some process enabling you to "go back" as though you were moving through something!? If so, what process, and through what!?

Science fiction writers could give all kinds of answers for that, but they are all elaborate nonsense!. Maybe there's a "subspace matrix," for instance!. Maybe there's a "network of timelines!." Maybe "temporal anomalies" can "warp the space-time continuum!." Who even knows just what all that means!?

Maybe the best way to explain this would be to show how "go back" makes sense in its native, spatial context!. At one time you are at home!. Later you are at the baseball game!. Then at a later time you are at home!.

That you "go back home" doesn't just mean that at one time you were at the baseball game, but at the later time, you were at home!. Rather, you are also referring to the process you took to get there, by foot, car, bike or whatever, moving through space in a commonly known way!. In commone usage, you are at least mentioning that some such process took place!. But with the phrase "go back in time," you aren't referring to any process at all; even if you seem to, the listener is merely supposed to assume that some vague, unknown, undefined thing took place; exactly what is never specified!.

So, the answer is, don't worry, you won't ever be caught in a time paradox!. Only coffee-shop types, the sort who think talking is the same as thinking, worry about things like that!.

>edit< as for the answerer who said your mind can fathom the concept of "time travel," my point is, no it can't! Nobody - NOT ONE PERSON - has ever had a clear idea just exactly what they meant by "travelling through time!."

Try thinking about your "concept" of time travel, and examine what you mean!. You will find it to be based, ultimately, on imaginary things, not things you know are real!.Www@QuestionHome@Com