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Position:Home>Philosophy> What is peace of mind ? i am seeing every one saying ''i have no peace o

Question: What is peace of mind !? i am seeing every one saying ''i have no peace of mind'!.!.what is peace of mind !?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Peace of mind is the ability to remain detached from extremes!. If we allow ourselves to become too attached to either happiness or sadness, poverty or wealth, sickness or healthiness, relationships or solitude, failure or success, etc!.!., then we become unbalanced!. Peace of mind is an acceptance that all things in this material world are temporary, and that we can neither keep nor preserve anything for long, whether it is wealth, health, youth, beauty, fame, strength, etc!. When we detach ourselves from the dualities of this world like good and bad, evil and holy, morality and immorality, then we begin to find peace within the self, and our minds are not disturbed by these temporary phases and circumstances!. This can be achieved when we understand that we are not this body, but an active, energetic, spiritual being that is not subject to the circumstances of the temporary material world!. When we focus on the spiritual aspects of life, instead of the material, we can begin to find peace of mind!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Peace of mind is being able to live a life without any qualms!. Facing and dealing with each day as it comes, being content, satisfied, joyful in all your moments and accepting everything that comes your way whatever they may be!.
It is being able to fly without any doubt that you'd actually land on solid ground!. It is appreciating the goodness of nature in all it's awesome beauty!. It is being with yourself at your best!. It is being with God all the time!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have lived 60 years to find true 'peace of mind'!. It lies within ones "faith" in the Lord!." It is when you give all of your'self' up to the Lord, He lifts you above all that is in the world, so that you actually have; not only inner peace, but happiness in your life here as well!. If only the people knew how easy life could be and the wealth one can attain, in all that is good in life, our whole world could have peace!. He is right here by our side!. He sees, hears and feels everything we go through!. All He asks of us is acknowledgement of Him from our heart!. And He will be here for the duration of our lives and guide us through it, if we let Him We are not alone!. Praise the Lord!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Serenity, solitude, contentment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One can be with peace of mind when he is worry free & commitment free with suffecient funds for the daily requirementsWww@QuestionHome@Com

The feeling of serenity I am guessing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its knowing everythings gonna be okay despite adversitiesWww@QuestionHome@Com


I'd say it refers to low levels of stress and anxiety!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tofu is peace of mind!.
How did not you know that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com