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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe ghost, do you believe spirits.. boaring..Now, i ask you b

Question: Do you believe ghost, do you believe spirits!.!. boaring!.!.Now, i ask you!.!.do you believe humans !?
My Friend says that ghost may come or no come! if you call the spirit will come!. ghost never interferes in others matters!.!.it will do its work!. no problem with spirit!. but, the humans are the problem!.!.hello!.!.please!.!.please!.!.it is not coming from me!.!.don't mistake me!. my friend said this!. i disagree with his arguments!.!.anyway whether his saying may have some truth!.!.a small doubt (though i have no doubt)!.!. so, i come to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't have belief in goast ,
I don't have belief in spirits,
I will not believe in humans
I believe in my self & my self confidenceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes humans probably annoy spirits, and sometimes spirits can annoy us!. Neither of us are the problem!. To spirits, I assume that to them they think of themselves as humans, the same way we think of ourselves, and that they think of us how we think of them, ghosts!. So it is very hard for me to explain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when i was a kid i used to believe in ghosts and other paranomal activities But i guess as i got older i do not blieve in them anymore,
BUT sometimes im afraid of being left alone in an awfully quiet & dark place!.
It depends wheter u believe in ghosts or not!. I don't have a third eye so i haven't seen a ghosts!. not yet

R u a filipino!?
Here in the Philipines there are many stories and legends about paranomal species!. There is the:
*multo,white lady,pugot na ulo and etc!.(ghosts)
*tyanak(unborn child)
and others!.!.!.!.
Maybe that's why im afraid of ghosts wen im younger!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You might read "Watch Your Dreams," "Kundalini West," and "Men in White Apparel," Ann Ree Colton;

"The Masters and Their Retreats" and "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet!.

What they say, essentially, is that there are other levels of energy and consciousness, which are usually separated from our human world by various barriers!. "Calling upon" such permits them to act somewhat in our world/energy level!. This is done e!.g!. by chanting to Lord Shiva, asking Lord Jesus to intercede, asking Saint Michael the Archangel to protect, etc!.

Would note Yogananda's "Autobiography of a Yogi" as giving similar examples!.

http://www!.easwaran!.org is an example of humans going forward without paying undue attention to such influences!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


There is no ghost!. But ofcourse there is a creature named Jinn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

to see is to believeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am with your friend!!
Don't you even know that you yourself has one!? Your body and soul have different dimensions, although they are now related currently because you are in this physical plane!. You have the power of both, that is why they say human causes problem to hurt, And may inflict physical pains!. Where as souls or spirits usually don't!. So they only use to provide guidance or protections (If you're going to be aware of signs)
Now intellectual people contradict that existence cause of the logic of proven facts from our very own senses were more accepted!. So as to say in that spiritual dimension when not so many are really aware of it!. Cause it is not merely visible with our senses!.
But the real psychics, mediums and those gifted only could ever take part of a good connection to the other world!. So no doubt that normal people never believe it though!. Yet we can't escape strange sensations that we just can't even explain!. Considering the spooky experiences that we use to hear from others!.
And yes, I am not crazy but there are proper ways to connect to the other world!. Just make sure that those were spirits of real caring people! Like your ancestors or other loved ones!.
And it is not that so boring when you have faith to get to be aware of it!. Actually when you do it right, It may help and heal you!.!.
It is really strange but it is true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com