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Position:Home>Philosophy> Help I'm going insane. How can you tell?

Question: Help I'm going insane!. How can you tell!?
I am not talking about harm to myself or others, but I am feeling like the world has gone insane!. Many things I thought to be truthful or important have become meaningless!. The menial now has value!. I then come to the conclusion that maybe it is not the world that is insane, but myself!. I am not trying to be cute or philosophical!. I am attempting to be pragmatic!. What are some everyday practical signals that you have "gone over the edge" and maybe take action such as seeking professional help!? I still go to work and do a good job and I go to church on Sunday!. I visit the family regularly and I get standard medical care!. I exercise my body and mind regularly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It sounds like you have finally realized the ideal world of your childhood really does not exist!. That this world is spiraling out of control very quickly!. I imagine our grandparents felt mostly the same way during the depression and the great wars; our parents felt this way during Vietnam!. It is something that everyone comes to terms with or they simply shove it under the rug and pretend everything is okay!. It hurts when truthful things and important things become less so meaningful!. There are lots of things in our lives that can affect are reflection on things of that nature - realization of your religous beliefs, questioning authority and the nature of our government, learning about whom your parents really are, being hurt in a relationship, etc!. Its when you fully realize how out of control life really is, you finally can gain control over your life!. You are not going insane, you are becoming saner - and that will make your head hurt!. Things that may signal you have gone over the edge would be deep depression boughts followed by highs, manic activity, voices in your head not as your conscience though, sleep deprivation, overeating or undereating, abusing substances, etc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds to me like you may be placing some unrealistic expectations upon yourself and or others!.
This can lead to a false vacuum effect in ones life that may have you questioning your own sanity!.
Let me ask you this to you perhaps have some irrational standard (expectations that seem designed to fail when one considers practical day to day experiences) that you or the people in your life are not able to maintain!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Relax you are not mad, but things around you are making no sense!. They don't to most people, if they bother to look too closely!. Does war make sense!? Does telling people to pick one god over another make any sense(I mean how many creators created this universe anyhow!? No one know, so why the hell do they go on and on and on!.), Killing of innocent children makes the least sense of all!.

So don't worry, you are not alone, and you are defineltly not sane (OR INSANE!)!. Basic core of humans is insanitly, and it depends on each of us to keep it under control!. You seem to be doing just fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone is different! You've just compared yourself to the stereotypical image of "normal"!. You're not insane!. Yo're just trying to find answers but often we find answers from ourselves!. You find things that were meant to be important meaninglesss cos you have found a new perspective!. Keep it up not down!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like you are stressed out not crazy!. a truly crazy person doesn't know they are!. one of the few ways is if you are losing blocks of time to black outs and waking up in bad situations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you doubt your sanity even a little it might be time for some therapy!. besides therapy can be quite liberating!.you should check it out!. its probably even covered by your insurance!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with the other writer sounds like your stressed, I heard the quote the other day!.!."only sane people question their sanity", so if that holds true your ok!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you talk to your self !? Ha yes we all do but , do you answer your self !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Tipping Point," Malcolm Gladwell, gives many examples of "world gone mad" (for a time)!. Similar to an avalanche!.!.!.it begins innocently enough, then perhaps, unfortunately, catches up many in its careering!.

This condition seems to occur, according to some good professors who've developed a cyclic pattern understanding, every now and again: "The Fourth Turning," Drs!. Strauss and Howe!. Well worth reading, as a decade ago they predicted that, beginning somewhere around 2005, a "key action" would bring a "world of troubles and confusion" for about a generation, i!.e!., until about 2025 or so!.

You may be like Dorothy in the "Wizard of OZ," when she realizes she's not in the same old, same old, Kansas!. A whirlwind of craziness, in which e!.g!. a generation or a nation goes bonkers, such as happened in the glorious Third Reich, or in Rwanda in the 1990s, or in Khmer Rouge times in the 1980s, or in China in the 1960s, etc!., etc!.!.!.!.

So, in effect, you're more like one of the inmates in the "prison planet asylum," or in the Matrix, who is waking up or twigging on to the fact that, hey, things are racing to the bottom, etc!. Statistics bear this out, in terms of various curves going sky-high or asymptotic at this timing!.

While "beam me up" rapture fans are hopeful, that's a bit of a materialistic or "flesh and blood" Petrine edifice complex, imo!.

So, in a similar timing, George Orwell wrote "Keep the Aspidistra Flying," C!. S!. Lewis wrote "The Great Divorce," and, of late,
"Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, Ph!.D!.,
"Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians," Brandon Sanderson,
"Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves, are worthwhile!.
One may learn a lot from those who've gone before in similar circumstances!.
Keeping a diary, so that your grandchildren can understand how it was for you, a good, normal, Godly citizen in an increasingly "avalanching" time, is very worthwhile!. You can even have a few inexpensive, professional-quality copies made at e!.g!. http://www!.wordclay!.com

"IF," by Rudyard Kipling, is worthwhile:


In other words, you're not uniquely alone, but becoming a permanent atom of being in the body of God, "All-one!." Being salt and light is often the challenge of the hour, not making silly errors of "midlife crises," etc!., learning to enjoy cultivating one's garden, loving God and colleague as Self, and suchlike!.

However, if you think you could benefit by Christian counseling, 1-800-232-6459 http://www!.family!.org has a Counseling referral dept!.; business hours, M-F, and http://www!.klove!.com has a 24/7 1-800-525-LOVE pastoral counseling line!. Keep in contact, as e!.g!. Drs!. Strauss and Howe are predicting quite a "gathering storm" and "Mr!. Toad's wild ride," 2005-2025!.!.!.!.

also worthwhile: "Freakonomics," S!. Levitt,
"Stay Alive, My Son," Pin Yathay,
"Eyes of the Tailless Animals," Soon Ok Lee,
"Tortured for Christ," Reverend Richard Wurmbrand,
"When Invisible Children Sing," Huang, M!.D!.
"Hope of the Wicked," Ted Flynn,