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Position:Home>Philosophy> We all handle emotions in different ways, where do we learn this ability?

Question: We all handle emotions in different ways, where do we learn this ability!?
some people take out an ouzi & shoot themselves or others just because there 'girlfriend' left them or something
yet others just take it in their stride!.!.!.!.!.!.so thats why i ask this question!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I feel that each one of us has different levels of dealing with our emotions there is no standard for this ability you mention!. I Believe like you say its ones upbringing!. What kind of mentors or peers that they have!. Even though we are all individuals!. Alot of our dealing with emotions are influenced by the peers we have!. Some who dont have alot of support!. May get thier standards from reading, movies, t!.v!. etc!.!. Not that those influences are bad in any way!. But stories and fantacy has there limitations when it comes to dealing with real time emotions!.!. Not to wander off the question!. I would say yes defenetly you learn to deal with your emotions from the enviorment you live in and who is in your life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Each person uses what they learned from their parents, friends, acquaintances as examples of how to react emotionally!.
But, different people use these examples to justify their wrong behavior, instead of becoming responsible for their own thoughts and emotions!.
When they allow the negative emotions to overwhelm them, they use their emotions to rule their actions without thinking logically!. But, I believe, that everyone has the moment (or even millisecond, where their conscience tells them what they are doing is wrong!. But, they choose to ignore these thoughts and continue to do wrong!.
I believe that too many people try to control everything in their lives!. When something goes wrong, it is overwhelming for them!. Instead of trying to control everything, I believe it is better to "go with the flow!." That way, when something comes up unexpectedly you take it in stride, learn from life's lessons, change your route to your goal and just continue on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We all have emotions!. But we don't all have the same learned skills it takes to be able to balance our emotions with our logic!.
Learning how to cope in life is something we, as human beings, have to learn in life, we are not born with it!.
Some learn skills from their society, their families, their friends, and others seek out counselors skilled enough to help educate, and there is LOTS of written materials available to learn about our human nature, our emotions, and how to govern them!.
Most people are on automatic living their lives and not thinking their way through life, not awake, not aware!. Until a person is ready to awaken from this semi-conscious state of life, they will continue to sleep walk their way through victimizing themselves in a world they feel out of control in because they are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One must see emotions as what they are, simply passing thoughts the same as all other passing thoughts, a part of the seemingly endless stream of subjective reasoning that often prevents one from realizing the true nature of all that exist!.

Emotions, like all else that exist , do not last and have no permanence!.

Emotions easily trap one inf the cycle of desire and attachments that create suffering from ones self and for all others!.

Realize that each one is one with all else that is, in conscious awareness, treat all with loving kindness, compassion, caring and respect as one should treat ones self however, cling to no thing, even an emotion!.

This is Buddhism!.

Be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i believe that you learn how to handle emotions by the things you go thru in life!. Not every thing you do is the right choice so, by makin the bad choices, it maks you stronger wen you face a different prob!. And also it's a mind set! If you say to yourself enough that an issue will not get you down, after a while you will start finding it easyier to handle!. If you break up with your man/woman after a long time and it hurts really bad, obivisly it wasnt meant to b!. but ppl take it the wrong way so they stay down!. Things come in your life to mak you stronger!.!.!.some ppl reailze that and they strive above others and some don't and end up doing drugs, having mental break downs, lose there jobs and become homeless, and some even end up in a coffen underground!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really think that it is the way we are brought up!. If you were raised in a household where guns and violence were always there, then I believe that that does have some effect on a person's actions and how they handle their emotions!. But it should never be excusable if you ever kill someone else!. You should still go to jail or death penalty, same as any other person would get if they did it!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best way to learn how to handle emotions is from self-experience!. We never learn by watching how others handle theirs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

emotions are jus born with us and their made on our life enviromentWww@QuestionHome@Com

there is only one way we learn, develop, and improve this ablity: through our very own life experience/s; we get better as we are exposed more to the intertwining of life difficulties, aspirations, and successesWww@QuestionHome@Com