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Position:Home>Philosophy> Life is making me bitter--how do I get my hope/faith back?

Question: Life is making me bitter--how do I get my hope/faith back!?
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The only example I can give is myself!.
I am 56 years old, have had a multitude of bad things happen in my own life and see the horrors of nature and people all the time!.
BUT, I choose to not let it get me down!. I choose to see the beauty in Nature and in others!.
Look at the good examples: Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned for many years, beaten, tortured, but still went on with his quest for equality; Mother Theresa, who helped countless ill and poor, starving people; to name two that come easily to mind!.
It is up to you to look for the good, the hopeful, the beauty, instead of dwelling on the bad in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know what you mean, I used to be an idealist, but now I'm a realist!. Seeing all the craziness in this world can make one go from one to the other, which feels a lot like becoming bitter!.

Getting your faith/hope back may seem like a daunting task, but as you see the evil, think of it as an opportunity to improve or help any way that you can!. Random acts of kindness, volunteering, writing to legislators, etc!. You may find that it not only gets your faith back, it may make it even stronger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You must remember that we, who believe in Christ, are not of this world and must not conform to it!. I have been where you are now!. It is so difficult when we see so many injustices and catastrophic incidents arond!. What has helped me was to find a quiet place and just sit and listen to the inner voice, that is clear when you are quiet and still!. It is not an audible voice but rather an inner knowing that gently prompts and guides!. Listen for that voice and it will help prepare you to battle the principalities of this world!. One day at a time, one step at a time!. Fear not, and believe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i know what you feel like because i used to feel the same way until i went to a retreat at camp-of-the-woods in speculator, New York!. i am now a new person because i just went to God in prayer and realized that He is the ultimate goal of my life!. what you can do to stop feeling bitter is to just realize that with God, you feel joy!. You feel almost perpetual joy because you realize inside you that you have something that is always there to help you through hard times!. now, im not saying that you don't still feel sad but you know what the best part of getting in close contact with God is!? the minute you feel bitter and sad, you just open your heart and immediately, you feel a peace settling around and within you and no matter how bad things looked before, you instantly get the relief you had been seeking from the world!. it's like a hot, hot summer day and the minute you take a cold shower, you feel like you are back in your skin!. that's the feeling i get when i go to God in my down moods!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is not making you bitter, the way you deal with life is making you bitter!. Life cannot "make" you do anything, but live!. Our perceptions is what creates our attitudes and the way we process data and feelings!. It is okay to feel bitter for a little while, but I am guessing you will want to move from that soon!. You will! Personal accountability is the path to success and happiness! Go get a make over!. Or visit an elderly relative, watch the birds, listen to uplifting music!. Don't sit on the pity pot too long or you'll get a ring around your butt!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dont be bitter, instead you should try to work into the minds of those who are uncaring for others and non-believers of God!. Talk them out into bringing out the good in them and convince them to apply that goodness inside into being kind and caring for others!.

It may take sometime to reach a good end for this mission, but i know one thing is for sure, it will make a difference each time we make a move!.

Trust me, i talk to a lot of gamblers at work who are only going there because of family problems and for no reason at all ( i believe gambling once in a while should be done out of fun and enjoyment), and i hope it will work out in the end by going back to their families and attend to them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read the bible, or torah, or whatever book you want!. This might help with getting some hope back because these books inspire hope!. And in that sense, you'll have a sense of faith too!.

Aside from that, I think you should just do things that you enjoy for a while, like going out with friends you really enjoy being with or playing games!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's horrible about the poor old lady!. That sort of crime makes most of us very sad !.
But bitterness is destructive stuff!.
With all the ills of society, we have to somehow keep ourselves clean, even from bitterness!.
We have to somehow shine out of the muck, like flowers, and just try to help wherever possible!.
And forgive but not condone!.
Forgiveness keeps the bitterness away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your guess is as good as mind, I have alot of hate and bitterness in my life right now Alot more than what I can deal with i just hope i have enough of something to keep me alive for just one more day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Find something new and fun to do!. Try skateboarding or any other activity that gets your heart pumping and gives you a new rush that you love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can't kill all the bad people!. The alternative is to live with frustration or try to educate them!. If you want real change, check out the SGI!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take a break from life!. Just go with your friends and relax!. Do what you want to do-as long as it is LEGAL!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Change - Eat only fresh food , exercise , stop watching TV read more books !. Live your life your way not there's !.Www@QuestionHome@Com