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Position:Home>Philosophy> You know that remote viewing?

Question: You know that remote viewing!?
Here is what's happening!. I like trance music, because it gives me that high without drugs, I dont do drugs!. But sometimes I happen to get that remote viewing, I didnt know what it was called until today!. I see places and people doing normal, everyday things!. I dont even know them!. The pictures are so colorful and realistic, they are better than memory or imagination!. Does this happen to anyone else!? I dont always get them, just sometimes!. What do you think!? Thanks!. Please no smarta$$ answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can remote view and have done it several times, but I usually have to try to do it!. I have spontaneously astral projected as well!. You sound like a spiritual person!. You may want to look into developing this side of yourself!. Best wishes to you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have thought about such things and I think if it is possible then there exists a reasonable explanation!.
See quantum entanglement and non-locality
I very limited experience with such things though so I am still skeptic because there has not been adequate demonstration (well not counting that one guy the 80% aaccuracy rate in his remote viewing of the USSR's nuclear submarines during the stargate program in the 1980s which was a military funded project that was established because of intelligence reports on the former USSR and their own military psy ops programs that prompted our government to create its own less it fall behind in a potential area in the arms race) but other than that I do not think there exists much demonstrated observation of such things in a scientifically controlled environment and so it is safe to conclude that it is at best a controversial subject for this reason!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i have thought of places iv never seen till i was older even thuogh we didnt have books or a tv i still think its weirdWww@QuestionHome@Com