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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do we receive "data" from the wide, wide world around us? How can

Question: How do we receive "data" from the wide, wide world around us!? How can we receive it, unless it's sent!?
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I don't believe that your question implies a willfull sender is involved, just that "sending" is happening on some level!. This phenomena is connected with the issue of universals, which also occurs virtually innexplicably!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What we perceive is called "cognoscendi," meaning the object of our senses!.

Our senses are just that--senses--and when you pick up a rock, the sensory input to your brain is not "sent" except from your fingers to the perceptual part of your brain!.

Light waves exists independently of your eyes!. They are there for anyone who has eyes!. You have eyes!. Your eyes catch the light waves, as your ears catch the sound waves!.

We say that a star "sends" radio waves!. That does not mean there is a purpose in the "sending!." The "reasons" have to do with physics, but that still has nothing to do with "purpose!." Purpose implies an intelligence with an agenda!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, of course the data is sent!. But that doesn't imply a sender or at least not an intelligent sender!.

For example a mirror would be a sender by reflecting the light that we receive!. But you wouldn't assume the mirror was intelligent!. Just simple quantum physics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com