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Position:Home>Philosophy> Perceived reality not actual reality is the key to understanding behavour.?

Question: Perceived reality not actual reality is the key to understanding behavour!.!?
Whose reality the perceiver or the perceived !.Can this be applied in real life!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the perceived reality of the person you are trying to understand!. and yes this can be applied to real life!. if you understand that in my reality there are monsters trying to get me then you will better understand my behavior when you see me peeking around the corner before i enter a room!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Tough question!.
Extremely complex as everyone has a view and of course opinion is a subjective issue not an absolute!.

I take a simplistic view and that is what ever a person perceives 'their' reality to be is their 'reality', your perception of 'their' reality will be as you perceive it to be!. These usually are different (often dramatically)!. Therefore both 'realities' are real but perceived from another angle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perception of reality is lost to blinders of god-fever and gold-fever perception!.!.!. Money has become the useless god of humanity!.!.!. Reality without fear is everything truth!.!.!. Fear distorts perception, till there is no more reality perceived!.!. only fiction and insanity!.!.!. Mankind is gone totally insane!.!.!.

A child is born a god, but having being born in hell is pulled down before it can speak words, into your proverbial "original sin" concept!.!.!.

The question remain, "Why do you all pray in hell!?"!.!.!. That's like tossing rocks at the clouds, expecting it to change the seasons!.!.!.

I wonders just how many humans actually toss rocks at the clouds, expecting it will change the weather and the season!.!.!? which is not far from "praying" to change the weather, but is a lot safer, given that gravity always brings your stones back down on your head, and prayer is a weightless non-existent!.!.!.

So tell me!.!. Why do you all pray in Hell!?!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

True; it is the perceived reality!. And as long as the person perceiving has no brain chemistry problems and has not has his brain injured, Epistemic Psychology is the best key to understanding the perceptions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We must strive to understand both, the reality and the delusion for it is in the discovery and understanding of delusion that the understand of most human behavior lies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cup of tea, KitKat Chunky and the Jeremy Kyle show!.!.!. reality hovers in eventually and then you can understand abnormal behaviour!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They've asked this question since ancient Greece, 2,500 years ago!. I figured they had an answer by now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com