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Position:Home>Philosophy> Does Adam & Eve lose all its original power, since its shoved viciously into the

Question: Does Adam & Eve lose all its original power, since its shoved viciously into the bible!?
What are we dealing with here!.!.!?!.!.!.A story, like a legend, one of those aboriginal ones, about kiddies growing up!.!.!.!.!.!
Becoming aware of their sexuality, hiding their parts, being kicked out of the garden-rejected, from parents interest or even the house!!
By god!.!.!.!.!.!.what other figure do parents have in a childs mind!?!?!?!?

So whats it doing in the first pages of the bible!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Unfortunatley, Adam and Eve are as alive and original as they were back then!. It's the principle that repeats itself!. Man falls away from his God to the evil tempting nature of the woman!. We call it p-whipped in modern terms!. But every man has a weakness to disobey his conscience and reach for the forbidden, that which makes him feel like God, his big ego!. Wasn't that the original temptation, reach for the fruit and you will become like God!? There's a million things in the world that will pull a man away from his center of being, but it all starts with a woman, and most women love that power they gain over a man!. That's why they call it "falling" in love!. Fortunately, there's a few men and women left that see the innate weakness and through spiritual understanding transcend the game for genuinely bigger and better things to come of the relationship!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you missed your mark!. You are in a Philosophy section!. This question might get better response in the Spirituality/Religion category!. It may benefit you to keep an open mind when posting!. A new idea can't be graphed on a closed mind!. Later!.

My suggestion obviously went WAY over your head!. So here's a question for you: why are you asking a predominately scientific society a question about religion!?
I think, it's due to the fact that, you are fishing for someone to validate your absurd claims about something you haven't any idea!. I can tell you have already made up your mind about what the answer supposed to be, so I will humor you!.
I agree it shouldn't be in the first pages of the bible!. We should have the story of you--precious--in the first pages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since it is part of the creation story, it was put with the rest of the ceation story!. Where else could you put it!?

Ask yourself why this bothers you so much, obviously it does from the strange "shoved viciously" comment!. If you really read it, they were not "rejected from parent's interest", they were punished for disobeying!. Of course there is a parallel to the idea of kiddies growing up, they had to mature from innocent beings to being able to provide for themselves, just as kiddies do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Myth' would be a better word and I don't see anything about it being "shoved viciously into the bible!."

It is an explanation of the origins of man!. The question for you should be - "does god, in all his perfection, lose all of his power because he created an imperfect being!?"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't ignore anything The Bible, The Khurran, The Vedas - etc, every spiritual books refers what you really are and what you want to do to be human, nothing is there in stories - hear it as a story but understand the soul of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh don't be so ridiculous!.

Addition: And what power exactly does a story about kids being kicked out of society because they became 'aware of their sexuality' have!?!? The mind boggles!. What's your actual point!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com