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Question: Can life be a dream !?
Are we dreaming!.!.!.!. when we die here!.!.!. we finally wake up from the dream !? is this possibleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
yes it can very possibly be but god knowsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Alas I think not!.!.!. I keep hoping that my nightmare life is just a nightmare dream and that I shall wake up and find its all been in my vivid imagination!.!.!. but its not so!. This is IT this is reality!. Wake up and smell the coffee!.!.!. if you don't want to get burnt don't play with matches!. You don't need to wait until you die to find out that you have been waiting for and event which was never coming!.!.!.!. Life is NOW not when you die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no way to argue it!.!. If you want to beleive that, then by all means, go ahead!.
There are all types of ideas like that such as we all just got put on Earth 2 minutes ago with memories intact!. Prove it wrong! It's impossible to prove it wrong and it's not a scientific idea!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends on what you view to be reality!. Only you can determine if what you experience is a dream!. You control you own reality, get it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

dream is only a dream!.!.!.!. it says that it is the outlet of our tired soul!.!.!.!. life is real its not a dream!.!.!.!.!. life is from God!.!.!. ( it is in the book of Genesis)Www@QuestionHome@Com

possibly!. but you will never know unless you die!. when you do, you will not be able to tell us if our life here is but a dream!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

But if live is a dream, then we are dreaming in a dream!?
they is facinating!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So we can dream in a dream then!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

so what do we wake up to!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Christ will wake all of us from our dreams!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

of course!. buddha say people are all sleeping!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life can in actuality be many things!. But unless we have some means of interacting with what we would consider the "real" world, we don't have an immediate useful reason to understand that concept!. However, if we suspect a relationship we can look for clues that may lead us to the ability to more fully control the world around us!.

In a Dream world, time travel, astral projection, bizarre physics, !.!.!.!. becomes possible!.!.!. right!?

Parallel to existing in a dream, what if we are part of an amazing computer simulation:

I've been following Quantum Entanglement for a bit and it has inspired some thoughts you might find amusing!.

Infinite Computational Engines and Virtual Civilizations

I was thinking the other day about the power of computation!. At some point I am sure that artificial intelligence will rival our own capabilities and surpass us!. With the advent of "Entangled Pairs" / "Quantum Entanglement" in physics, there is reasonable proof that instantaneous remote actions are possible!.

Computer speeds are largely limited by the time it takes for switching and communicating that change to other circuits!. Optical processing is on the horizon to make these propagations approach the speed of light, allowing computer speeds to increase a thousand times or more!. However, entangled pairs might one day be able to effectively propagate instantaneously!.

Consider that if you have a single computer that can process instantaneously, then all of the worlds' processing could be performed on one computer; and have infinite computing overhead to spare!. The limitations would be the input/output ports interfacing with what we consider to be the real world!. The instant a photon appears in an entangled relationship, that relationship might be communicated to a large system of other entangled networks; causing computation to be expressed instantaneously!.

With infinite processing capability, an entire virtual civilization and all the virtual heavens and the virtual Earth could be held within that processing engine; assuming an instantaneous and potentially infinite memory storage space!. So those virtual people would live in a world that was created for them, but they would have little means of relating to the "real" world!. But almost all of their virtual physics would govern their virtual lives!.

The virtual people would be no less "real" than ourselves and would potentially be far more intelligent than ourselves!. The entire civilization could develop, evolve, thrive, and die out within an instant in computational time!. The Big Bang so to speak!.

An infinite number of such civilizations could develop and die out in that same moment!. Time being removed from measurement in that computer system (everything occurs intantaneously), time would not be a valid measurement in those worlds!. The only way a virtual person would know time had passed is because of a change in events!. Time would be sensed by these virtual people by the series of events and how they interrelate!.

Their perceived time passage could be manipulated by them by finding ways for physics to become contradictory, and then pass through those boundaries into adjacent memory spaces!. Going back in time would be akin to creating an identical virtual universe and causing physics to reverse and watch the Universe degress!. When time is not a factor, the consequences of physics can iterate both forward and backwards at the same moment!. Virtual people can jump back and forth between event systems!.

Much like our own world! We look for modes where physics become seemingly contradictory to take advantage of those properties; like quantum mechanics!.

Could we ourselves be part of an infinite processing computer!? Of course we could!. How would we know otherwise!? Would the virtual people call a less intelligent "real world" species God, just because over thousands of their "real" years they figured out how to make an infinite processing computing system!? No! !.!.!.!. They would respect us, but they would not refer to us as a supreme being!. Who created us, and as presupposed, the virtual people are more intelligent than ourselves!.

How many layers of virtual civilization exist!? Could our other dimensions and travel in time be related to crossing over memory spaces into adjacent virtual civilizations!?

Instantaneous processors are feasible, what about infinite memory!? Can an infinite matrix of entangled particles be realized to store memory in deep space!? If so, then we may both be virtual ourselves, and we may yet create virtual universes as well!.

Dream, computer simulation, or!.!.!.!.

James Dunn

What are Entangled Pairs:

Practical Uses for Entangled Pairs:

Semiconductors producing Entangled Pairs on a chip:

The beginnings of trans-galaxy teleportation!?
