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Position:Home>Philosophy> Communicating with Cells.... Eaiser than we think?

Question: Communicating with Cells!.!.!.!. Eaiser than we think!?
Okay its been argue that telekenisis and being able to read minds is impossible!.

Do you think it would possible if you had the poper mindset, and constantly thought and focused on communicating with your cells to convence them to sculpt and form to your will to do what every you want, to make you look telekentic!? Such as simply bending and making the body produce a thicker layer of skin around a finger thats like 2 inchs thicker than the rest of the skin!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Your skin cells aren't equipped physically to thicken that much!.

As for communicating with your cells, that would kind of be like the President being on the phone with every American all day!. Or like the Foreign Minister of France sending letters to 10 million Americans to conduct their diplomacy, instead of talking to the American ambassador!.

Your brain works the way it does for a reason!. Your thoughts are collectively generated and maintained by millions of your brain cells at once, and they are already the way evolution intended them to be!. You won't serve the interests of the cells in your skin by trying to directly communicate with them, and they can't communicate with your brain cells anyway!.!.!. at least, not by thought!. Only huge groups of brain cells are capable of that!.

Most of the cells in your body are completely uninvolved in your thinking processes, and they're totally content with that - that's how evolution has made them!. They have a pretty good deal, compared to a lot of the microbes outside your body!. They have citizenship in the organism, which doesn't give them the right to be involved in thoughts, but does protect them from other microbes, nasty chemicals, bad temperatures, and other dangers, and ensures they have a long and safe life!.

Even if you could persuade your body cells to move around at your will, they wouldn't be able to!. And they really don't want to, they're happy where they're at!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The Field," Lynne McTaggart
"The Masters and Their Retreats," Mark Prophet,
"Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,
"The Great Divorce," C!. S!. Lewis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com