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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you think is done with "unwanted humans" of society?

Question: What do you think is done with "unwanted humans" of society!?
What should be done with them!? What is done with them in your country!? What if they get ill!? Do they cause a problem for the "wanted humans" in society!? What problems!?

Or do you think that there is no such thing as an "unwanted human"!? If so why not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is not 100% clear to define, but indeed I believe it can very well be understood what you mean by "unwanted humans" in your question, so such thing does exist!. My point of view is that in part it is being done what can be done with the ones that already are there!. Even with the most careful action, these people will always suffer the consequences!. On the other hand, if a government is unable to maintain good living conditions for all its country inhabitants, I believe that a population-control system should be established (by prevention, not post-action)!. Many people will think that threatens our human rights, but what if our human rights become our obligation to live abandoned eventually!? Why are there laws, in general!? What do we restrict ourselves for!?
Of course, the unwanted do cause problems on the rest (you call "wanted", but I'm not sure about that definition) and will mean more trouble if they're caught by contagious diseases, for example!. In my country, little is done about that problem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In India, the dominant religion classifies a whole segment of the population as unwanted, the "untouchables," from birth!. They are forbidden from having any but the very worst jobs, and nobody is allowed to touch them!. One job they always have is to clean the sewers!. They literally jump in to sewers full to the top with human excrement and other sewage, and unclog them!.

In the United States, unwanted humans are generally left to fend for themselves on the streets, either as homeless panhandlers or as criminals, usually in drug-dealing organizations!. Usually those who end up in the "criminal" element have more civilized lives, but much less free, spending much of their lives in jail and prison!. More unwanted humans are sent overseas to be killed in wars, though that was done much more in the past than nowadays!.

In England a few centuries ago, unwanted humans were generally impressed into the army or navy, or sent to monasteries or convents, or were hanged for some usually trumped-up reason like stealing a loaf of bread!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To me, there is no such thing as unwanted humans!. I believe that the outcasts should be locked up, but people born with illnesses or who get illnesses should be able to get a chance to live life like everyone else! Every human, poor beggar or president are worth the same!Www@QuestionHome@Com

what do you mean by unwanted humans!.!.!. are you talking about outcast like people who different then others!?Www@QuestionHome@Com