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Position:Home>Philosophy> What do you do when you feel like acting on your evil thoughts?

Question: What do you do when you feel like acting on your evil thoughts!?
Like if you have evil thoughts about attacking other people!. What do you do!?

Have you ever just wanted to go up to a family member, because you are impatient!?

What do you do when you are impatient!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I pray about it asking God to take away my evil thoughts and He usually does!.

I have a harder time dealing with impatience and am still trying!. Hope to find some answers here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bare the temptation!. usually i would get this only during strong emotions like anger and frustration, which i don't get often because it takes quite a bit to get this out of me!.

impatience it depends really on what i'm impatient about!. but i find patience very valuable, and i find once you learn the value of patience, in most cases you will not be impatient because you are practicing patience, not just being calm and waiting but making the best of the patience!.

like in poker for example!. you could be impatient and just want to play play play real fast!. or you could practice patience, not in waiting your turn and doing nothing, but in analyzing, contemplating, measuring, calculating!. once you find the benefit of this you will learn to want to be patient and be impatient less often!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is called Rage! I feel it many times too! It is your alter-ego telling you to do something that you might regret later on!. Whenever you have these urges just STOP and breathe!. Wait a couple of minutes and deal with your issues!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com