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Position:Home>Philosophy> Have you ever missed someone that you met on line?

Question: Have you ever missed someone that you met on line!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Through the mist
I looked for you
Found you growing
As a vine
A stronger hold
I could not offer
Connections true
Alas not mine
I saw you growing
Observed the blossom
The flowering you
A strength divine
Beauty displayed
A secret fullness
I praise the Gardener
Who tends the line

Some people never go away so you can't actually miss them!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes indeed!.

And there are two that I think about almost every day!.

One was Pete Martin!. Pete was the Lieutenant in Charge of Fire Rescue # 2 FDNY!. Pete and his crew were the first rescue unit on the scene at the World Trade Center!. Pete and his entire crew died in the collapse of the towers!. It is a rare day that I don't remember Pete, he was a damned fine fellow, and I still want revenge for his murder!.

Another is Richard Easley!. Richard was a friend and brother Mason I met on line and our friendship grew through e-mails and phone calls!. I feel guilty about his death!. The night before he died, he called me and told me that he was scheduled for a heart catherization and balloon angioplasty!. Richard was scared, bad scared, and so was I!. I'd lost several friends to ballon angioplasty and I opened my mouth several times to tell him "Don't do it!" But instead I tried to soothe his fears and assured him that all would be well!. Next afternoon, his wife called in tears to tell me that he had died on the table!. Since them, I've not been bashful about warning folks of the danger of angioplasty!.


i think you should post as many questions as you want, i have missed someone i met online deeply, because our conversations were always so wonderful, we became close, so anyone that says online relationships aren't real doesnt know what theyre talking about, we were two people that cared for each other and happened to live far from one another, he was injured and i kept him company, and i was going through tough times and his advice kept me going, we wanted to meet up but it wouldnt work out, so we had to say goodbye, it was difficult, but it was better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, yes the modern age is complicatedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, missing someone only means I like them or enjoy their companion; I think it's pretty normal to miss someone you met on line!. And chatting with these people are more stressed free, there won't be a need to be afraid of saying something wrong because I probably won't be meeting them anyway!. I find it easier to speak my mind!. Sorry for the off topic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, Temari!. I missed my good old friends like Moon, Star, Polyann, Wisdom, Psychic Cat and many more who happened to concentrate on their studies and some of them were fed up with Yahoo/Answers for some personal reasons they don't understand in so far as the guidelines set by the Y/A GROUP!. It seems for them violations they commit doesn't justify really why they have to be considered as one!.

Keep up the good questions!. You are one of my contacts who loved to ask questions!. Indeed a philosopher in your being!.

Thanks for asking!. Have a great!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, once!. I played an online team game and a teammate and I were pretty like-minded and strategized and joked together!. I eventually left the game and I wonder how he's doing sometimes!. I've made hundreds of "friendly acquaintances" on the net, but that's the only time I ever really made a friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i miss him everyday, i will never meet him and i understand that!.!.!.!.!.but he sparked something inside me and put me in a state that i was not aware of!.!.!.!.the situation sucks, but im glad he made me realize an emotion so powerful that overtook my mind with just a few words that i will always remember!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

But im not really sure if I miss him, or just miss that feeling/emotion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think this happens when you get personal with someone, when you make them a part of your life!. And that happens because, complete strangers, knowingly or unknowingly, relate to an unknown void!.!.!.!.!.!.We look different, speak different languages, but human emotions need to be conveyed, understood and they are the same!.!.!.everywhere!.

As I've always said, I tried not to get personal with anyone at Y!A but I guess, my heart isn't in sync with my brain!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

This is a bizarre world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I think you can form just as deep of a connection with someone online as you can in person!.!.!.and miss them just as much when they are not around to talk to!. I miss a lot of my contacts when I see they have not posted in awhile!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

people get attached to the people /things thats care about them!. even a proggrammed automated response can help some one feel more aliveWww@QuestionHome@Com


Every day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

sigh!.!.!.I missed Anne so much that I thought I would die without her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, often!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very very much so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oh yes, cause it seemed special,,,Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. But why are you asking so many questions!? You seem to be just making up issues to fill space!. Why do that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com