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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you ever feel "imprisoned" in your own life?

Question: Do you ever feel "imprisoned" in your own life!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, how does this sound to you: I live with a dream that is next to impossible for someone in my situation!. I have nowhere to go, no one to have heart to heart with, no sense of self reliance!. I feel imprisoned in " Me"!. Everyday I wake up to do the same pointless things I have done since I was seven!. Every day I tell myself that one day it will be me making a change in the world!. Every night I go to bed and dream colorful dreams!. every morning I wake to the prospect of another day like the one before!. Everyday I tell myself that this can't go on!.!.!.Yet it does and although I'm a prisoner I do all I can not to give in!. I fight the walls that surround me and maybe one day sometime before i give up on the fight, an invisible door opens!.!.!.!.maybe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how can one truly feel imprisoned in their own life!? life is not a prison it is a house to which you are the architect!. it is built from the ground up by your own hand!. like any place it will need repaires and have flaws but it is yours!. how someone could make a conscience effort to construct the wall of a prison around themselves is beyond me but i feel that if one does feel imprisoned in their life it is your building!.!.!.!.!.!.just take out the bars
so to answer the question !.!.!.no!. (you can always draw new blueprints and build again can be bigger can be smaller but in the end it is only your own choice to make)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I do!. It's like a cage that I had no choices about- the era and place and parents of my birth; my genetics, body and health/disease profile, etc!. Simon and Garfunkel had a song in the Sixties, I think, called "Patterns (!?)" on their first or second album that manifests the feeling!.
It actually not "just" a feeling!. It's a perception of the truth!. The only antidote is an attitude change--Imagine you are on a ride (instead of in a cage), and the beauty of it is --THE RIDE IS YOU ! (Yogi Gurmukh)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do!

My duties imprison me!. My sense of responsibility towards others imprison me!. My own morals imprison me!. My stupidity imprisons me!. More than others I myself have imprisoned me in a tight circle!. Sometimes that gives me a sense of belonging, a sense of security, but sometimes that kind of stifles me, suffocates me, makes me want to break free!. But where would I go!? I cannot escape from my own self!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I very much do because I'm always!.!.!.alone!.!.!.!.
when I ask for a hand and help on things!.!.!.!.
I never get it!.!.!.
I have no friends!.!.!.no lovers!.!.!.!.nothing!.!.!.
not even a good education of my choosing

but then!.!.!.
when you step out of life and wonder!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
you can perhaps come to the conclusion that!.!.!.
we are our own curse and good as well as the curse and good for others!.!.!.!.
we are the prisoner and the one who has imprison ourselves
thus that means!.!.!.
that others can be consider a huge impact to why you live the life you live!.!.!.!.as well as yourself and watchu do

iono if that make sense to you, but hopefully it does!.!.!.

we are our own creation and destruction!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. To find the reasons you have to look all the way up dear!. Starting with societies, cultures and government!.
So, also, history, psychology, history of psychology, and philosophy ; and ancient religions!.
Etheric knowledge and study of the universe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am subject to the effects of my decisions!. They sometimes result in curtailment of my freedom because I choose compliance with the consequences to the alternatives!. Civilization is a mass decision and results in some restrictions!. It is just a lot better than the alternatives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes school is a prison also but it will help you achieve a better future in life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time is my only prison!.Www@QuestionHome@Com