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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you in complete control of your life If so what Is the answer?

Question: Are you in complete control of your life If so what Is the answer!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Of course I’m not in total control of my life!.

It would be so boring if I were!.

Nobody is in control of their life or should have the arrogance to think that they are!.

It would take only the rupture of one of the smallest arteries in the brain to render anyone from 0 to 90+ a quivering wreck ,or dead or what some people might consider even worse – a living ‘vegetable’
It is the total randomness of life that makes it worth living – a joy some days a nightmare the next!.

It’s the joy of dawn chorus on a spring morning!.

It’s the horror of shivering on a winter’s eve!.

Life includes the bad bits as well as the good –

“And in the end the love you take ---- is equal to the love you make” – The Beatles!.

“Killing (dying) for people like us is easy – it’s the living together that’s hard” – Clint Eastwood in the film ‘The Outlaw Josey Whales!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one is in control of their life!. You cannot control the way and the time of your death (unless suicidal)!. There are so many external influences acting on you and you also have internal influences that you have no real control over, even if you know they exist!. You are that passenger in the car and there is no tangible (touchable) answer)!. How many times do you wonder what is going to happen if I do this, decide what is going to happen, and it doesnt!?
You have a certain control but no more!. There are no sure answers except that we are all in the same situation and making the best of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My feeling is that no one is in complete control of their life, and someone who is religious should realise that more than most!.
I think we have phases when we feel that 'things' or events are panning out as we would hope, but I feel that our natural emotional tendencies mean we are prone to mood swings!.

I am not a physiologist so I can't provide a scientific response but my observations of myself and others has led me to the conclusion that we are 'confidence' driven!.
Some are more vulnerable to changes as they have lower levels of self confidence, some are more vulnerable to wild swings because they are over confident and quickly crumble!.

I have known many people who show outward confidence but when you get them into discussion are exceptionally vulnerable!.
I think common sense tells us that people experiencing difficult circumstances or unfamiliar environments are more prone to self doubt and vulnerability!.
They can fall easy prey to those watching for such weaknesses!. Including suddenly finding faith (and I speak as a Christian) it is not a good way to find religion, because once you get back on your feet you wonder if you went temporarily insane!. Faith is best found through a process of gradual change!.

To get back to the question!. Anyone who tells you they are in complete control should be feared, as they have completely isolated all sense of emotional attachment to anything and thus all things are expendable except for their own survival!.

Our very vulnerability is what makes us social and I believe allows us to make friendships which see us through the tough times!. These friendships help us get back to 'normality' and some sense of control much more quickly!.
So being in control or out of control is a transient and momentary thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only way to control is to realize there is no answer!. this is the paradox!. but if you opt to remain "not in control", it is ok to believe!. (key word) i think that's alot easier than trying to control chaos!. so i won't say the "r" word, but how about the "f" word (faith)!. we take a leap of faith everytime we seek agreement with our fellows!. (does this mean the same thing to you as what I am thinking!?)!. of course this is not possible to know!.

i think i would much rather just "believe"!. i wonder if it is possible!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

We are in complete control of how we respond to our situations!. We don't control everything in our lives, but we control how we see it and what we do about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Control is an oxymoron!.!.!. to actually BE in control you have to not need or want to be in control!. The minute you start trying to be in control you are ruled by your need so you are out of control!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one is ever in "complete control" of more
than very small details of his life!.
You live in the world, and the world is a heck of a lot
bigger than you are!.
Realizing this is called 'Maturity"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No one is ever in complete control of his life!.!.!.but you can be in control of your response to what life throws at you!. Learning to respond rather than react will give you incredible control!.!.!.try it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life is not a car that you are a driver and drive the car in the way that you want,perhaps we are the passenger!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no one is in "complete" control or any whatsoever!.the way i see it we have the power to plan ahead but thosee are more like hopes rather than orders only god can control every moment of our lives !.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Self- employed and recently single so completely free and it's greatWww@QuestionHome@Com