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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why can't i be the person I am on here irl.She is much nicer?

Question: Why can't i be the person I am on here irl!.She is much nicer!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The real you is much nicer than the Yahoo you!.

I wouldn't be chatting with you otherwise!.

-- Superman!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

actually the person we create in websites and blogs etc is actually a part of you because you will never know someone the way people in your eveyday life know you!.here i come and answer other people's question's but not my own so in a way the person you are here is a part of you in the outside world!.
idk if making any sense at all but i hope i helped!.
good luck and god bless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ah come on! You love the pesons, the character you created here on Yahoo!!? And you'd like to be just like that on your real life!? is it!?

that's so cute!

well I don't know!. !.!.!. I ain't a psychologis, you know!.!.!.!. but it was supposed to be the same thing or at least, you're supposed to look like similar, and act so!.!.!. Right!?

as said, I don't know!.!.!.!. But let's think of this: if this characther is a creation of you, than it is, in a given sense, you partially!.!.!. given that it's not an autonomous entity!.!.!. therefore, this way here is you too!.!.!. but only takes existence when you're on!.!.!. Got me!?

hp so!.!.!.!.!.


Because you have become that person in real life, and on the computer you can always chage who you are, and it's a bit easier!. Just work on being nicer in person!. Give people compliments today, you'll feel so much better:]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because by remaining anonymous you have no sense of accountability for your actions and can therefore act without inhibition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because you afraid people will reject the real you!.!.!.
or you afraid your popularity rating will fall!.!.!.
only u can really answer that question!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what do you mean!? be the personWww@QuestionHome@Com

eeerrrrrrm because your not and thats how you were made!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com