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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think that THE RICH exploit the masses?

Question: Do you think that THE RICH exploit the masses!?
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the rich are rich!. the masses not!. whereas the masses work as hard or harder!.

the rich often own the companies the masses work in!. they take a larger chunk of profit for themselves and give less to the people that work for them!.

even though all the people working for them are responsible for the profit!.

you can call that exploitation, and i think you should!.

or you can call that free market and fair!. you need to work hard enough and so on!. but many work real hard but still aren't rich!. and certainly some can become rich and do!. but not all can!.

i even think the masses in first world countries exploit those of third world!.

people in those countries work super hard, for little pay, so that we can afford to purchase many things they produce for us so cheaply!.

so not only do the rich exploit the masses but the masses exploit other masses as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dabbling in Marxism are we!? well i do believe that inequality between classes has caused many problems, but then again, someone of "the masses" has the power to become "the rich" by working hard!. the real question is: do we consider our morals when we become "the rich", and therefore exploit instead of get exploited!?

Then again, in an economic sense, the rich are just being rational by making money for themselves!. In economics, there is no such thing as "moral values!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmm, yes, its certainly possible, and probable!. Then again, thats stereotyping!. Maybe they explot the masses for their own good!? Not saying that makes it morally correct or anything!. But there always has been, always will be class struggle!. France is a prime example, especially during the era around the first French Revolution!. So what do you suggest, Communism!? Because that would be unique, there has never actually been TRUE communism as of yet!. The masses have power as well, though!. I mean, just look at the civil rights movement, that was a situation of a large group making changes!. You're question is so broad and undirected, and asked with obvious disdain for the "rich" that it neither can nor deserve to be answered fully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The dishonest ones do!. The honest ones--and that includes most, because they need the educated, experienced, honest employees--are like Hank Reardon in "Atlas Shrugged!." Read his trial speech in Part II, chapter 4, where he says he is not willing to pay more than the jobs are worth, and not willing to charge more for his product than the product is worth!.

And people say Ayn Rand is "selfish"!!! What Reardon said, and what all of Rand's characters say is selfish, meaning "rational self-interest!." I'd say many many rich people are NOT "rationally self-interested," and they DO exploit people!.

But the honest ones realize that when they cheat a man of honest wages, the employer of their neice or nephew could do the same!.

Are you talking about the oil companies!? They make 4% profit!. That is lower than most industries!. Record profits are because we buy so much gas and the investors are raising the futures!.

So while the futures go up, the prices go up!. The oil companies still only make 4%, but now it's 4% of more dollars spent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So funny to think that you've taken that some one HAVE to be RICH here! Sorry, you're wrong!. In fact, we all were the same & then someone (some persons or some group) tried to be rich and here is a quotation for you from Karl Marks: " NO ONE COULD BE RICH WITHOUT CHEATING OTHERS"!. In fact, you've to count the whole from MASS people!. Out of those MASS, few persons become RICH----what does that mean!? Probably got my point, right!? Now think about Bill Gates----who donates as well as continue his charitable works world-wide! You have to be RICH first, right!? How!? Who's going to make you RICH out of US!? we all want to be rich, right!? We can't! You must have that sense that there are ways to be rich!? And that's the "cheating" I meant!. Pls do not count my word 'cheating' as something negative always----in fact few persons apply their BRAIN to increase their wealth----this could be their tricks, could be their ways, could be their forms-----then the certain class called it a kind of Exploitations indeed! just think that there were no RICH guys ever! How some became RICH!? Do you think that this world began with few riches & maximum poor mass people!? What's the FACT is this, we all were mass people once, few of us tried or applied their BRAIN to be rich!. Who failed to do so, blame the RICHES!. And it'll go on!. Rich-Men, at a moment, try to help poor! I'm so shocked to see answers above that "Riches have companies, Industries, Factories' etc which help the mass people with jobs! My foot! What the RICHES were before their richness!? Few answers indicate that this world was started with few RICHES & millions of poor mass people! Huh Huh Huh! I don't know how to make you understand that 'exploitation' comes later----better tell me how RICHES became RICH!? In fact, RICHES will of course try to increase their wealth----they don't need to 'exploit' mass people, they just play their BRAIN & TRICKS---that's all!. The mass people just step in their their trap!. Due to NEED, we, the mass people, are prepared to be exploited!. (Long live Bill Gates & others!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I think the masses allow themselves to be exploited and the rich are simply willing to comply!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the MASSES use the rich and blame them for anything that is wrong with their lives!. If there were not the "rich" there would be no employment!.!.!.!.investment!.!.!.industry!.!.!.in!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


GOD BLESS YOU!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the rich don't CARE about the masses!.Www@QuestionHome@Com