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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are we living by choice or things happened because its destined?

Question: Are we living by choice or things happened because its destined!?
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I believe everything is predetermined!. Most 'logical' people view destiny, and determinism concept as something illogical or pathetic, but if you stick to the topic and actually do some research on it; you will eventually find that it is plausible!.

"Our decisions are predetermined unconsciously a long time before our consciousness kicks in," says John-Dylan Haynes, a neuroscientist at the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience in Berlin, who led the study!. It definitely throws our concept of free will into doubt, he adds!.

This is by no means the first time scientists have cast doubt on conscious free will!. In the early 1980s, the late neuroscientist Benjamin Libet uncovered a spark of brain activity three tenths of a second before subjects opted to lift a finger!. The activity flickered in a region of the brain involved in planning body movement!.

But this region might perform only the final mental calculations to move, not the initial decision to lift a finger, Haynes says!."

The idea of determinism is that all events are the results of previous causes!. If we heated a bar of iron, and the bar expanded, we would say that the heat was the cause of expansion!.

The idea of a physically determined universe is associated with Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)!. This is sometimes called the billiard ball view of nature: A billiard ball will only move when acted on by another force such as another billiard ball hitting it!. If we could measure the exact velocity and angle of the first billiard ball, we could predict the movement of the second!.

The philosophical problem comes with human beings!. If we were to accept the empirical view that human beings are organized systems of matter and that our minds are formed as a result of experiences then we may want to explain human behavior in terms of cause and effect!.

If we knew enough about the biological make up of an individual, his early childhood experiences and the social and historical circumstances he was born into, then perhaps we could predict all of his actions!. From this point of view the idea of free will (the ability to choose) is simply the result of or ignorance of all of the causal factors!.

Determinisms are actually backed up with a lot of evidence!. However, uncountable people do not believe because it just seems illogical to them!. Free will(choice) is merely an illusion that is part of determinism!. So, in the big picture everything is determined but small choices we make, make up our destiny(the big picture) so it really depends on your perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i do not believe we are "destined' --- but i do beleive we are pulled by life's energy to behave for the good of ourselves & others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't you know that we crawled out of some primal soup into the men / women we are today !. No destiny no choice just a good cook !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I say both, some things are meant to happen!. But also you chose your own path!. Its a hard question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

We live by the choices we make!. There is no such thing as destiny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


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