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Question: Displacement activity's!?
How much of your time do you spend engaging in displacement activity's!? Faffing about doing things to distract you from stuff you really should be doing, or distracting yourself away from thoughts or emotions you don't want to face or feel!.!.!. how long do you "waste" on here answering questions for the sake of it!?

Why do we (you) do it!? Are you avoiding knuckling down to doing something or facing feelings you don't want to face!?

Do you think displacement activity's serve a useful purpose or are they merely wasting time!? Is time wasting a useful purpose in itself!?

If you had to stop and do nothing would that be a welcome break or a nightmare!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think you have nailed it!!
Escapism is indeed the greatest sport as well as medicine we subscribe to whether knowingly or otherwise!. Enhanced level of communications with the proliferation of mobiles and internet are for the most part less purposeful and ill directed!.

I believe that we are resorting to escapism as a game or temporary healing because we are getting more and more disillusioned with our realities as they are changing and shaping up!.!.!.!. these days, our realities are becoming more and more unbearable as every day passes and the key factor behind this trend is the ever increasing levels of risk and uncertainties!. The only way to reverse the trend is to move away from materialism to spiritualism, from quantity to quality, from the immediate and urgent to the important and durable, from the physical to the mental and spiritual, from gratification to fulfillment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That raises the question, "who says you should be doing that instead of this!?"

Personally I don't work and have a loose moral system where I try and do what I like, and as there are no strictures in this the idea of displacement rarely makes sense!.

One thing I should do more is write to my Grandma, who lives alone after her husband died!.Other than that I can't think of something I think I ought to be doing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My time on the net is for fun!. Long day at work get on-line read some interesting and not so interesting things and provide my take on philosophical issues!. At the end of the day if one avoids doing what must be done due to "faffing" about and it becomes a problem in your life then yes it is a waste of time and detrimental!. As long as this does not occur then "faffing" about is goods and can help you process the big issue you have to get back too since your subconscious will keep processing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That is a lot of questions!. For me personally I am using this to procrastinate because I know I should be doing some last minute studying for exams!. I am not good at doing nothing because it makes me nervous, I even read in the shower!. If I really feel the need to do nothing I go to bed early and spend the time before I sleep just lying still and thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Escapizm , is real and every one does it !. As you rightly said , while seeing the problems of others on this yahoo Q and A, I forget mine and it gives answers to my thoughts !. I get myself corrected seeing others problems!. Having seen others problem I do , introspection and retrospection , and while performing that I go to a concentrative and meditative posture means a thoughtless mind which you define as a TRANS !. I get lot of good ideas and attimes, others may not like, but I feel that it solve my mental attitude towards looking at others !. I always think that - HAD I BEEN IN HIS SHOE - WHAT BEST COULD HAVE BEEN DONE BY ME -

It solves the thinking process and i becomes totally refined !.
I think investing my time like this is not wastage , as I cheers with all types of activities without much problem and considers that , it is destined to be there , so it occurs !. Let us see it like a spectator without appllying brain for pros and cons!.Www@QuestionHome@Com