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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you think it is foolish to try attain world peace on Earth?

Question: Do you think it is foolish to try attain world peace on Earth!?
Seriously, trying to get 6,000,000,000< people to get along and not cause wars and civil conflict!.!.!. to get everyone to put aside their differences and to not act in non-peaceful ways!.!.!.

With all the differences in the world, the different belief systems, ideologies and human nature (humans in a group mentality are not always peaceful)!. Its like!.!.!. to attain peace you would have to destroy the parts of us that make us human, like in that film Equilibrium (where they suppress human emotion via drugs)!.

I don't want to sound like a war-monger or a pessimist but I just don't see how any person can honestly think there will ever be global peace!. Thoughts!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thoughts: World peace is unattainable!. Those who believe otherwise are gullible, naive, in denial, uninformed, or all of the above!. It's just not possible!.

If anyone disagrees, I'd like to know what brilliant plan for world peace they've come up with, and why they're not sharing it with the rest of us!.


Here's a checklist of what we'd need, for starters

-Everyone believing in the exact same ideologies
-An overabundance of land and resources, evenly distributed through the entire world
-Infallible world leaders
-Lack of need for labor
-Infinite food supply, on demand
-A complete denial and restructuring of all the laws and principles of economics
-A sinless global population

Let me know when you've gathered those ingredients, and then I'll give you the next step!.


The examples of the Wright brothers' airplane and the Polio vacciene are the naive thoughts that I'm talking about!. Those were advances in science and innovation, achieved by a few ambitious individuals!. Talk of accomplishing world peace means radical reinvention of human nature, coordinated over the whole planet!. Equating this to a breakthrough in science is laughable!.

Don't get me wrong--I'd love it if we could have world peace, but it does no good to set your sights so high on such an abstract and gargantuan goal when there are smaller, more practical things to work toward (philanthropy)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is quite foolish, my friend, since peace is nothing but an illusion!.!.!.human beings lust power, always have, always will, and they'll do ANYTHING for it, including killing their own kind!.!.!.You can deter people from fighting for a while (usually holding a stick bigger than theirs), but you cannot fill the earth with love, tolerance and understanding to a point in which conflict can't and will not arise!.!.!.You should try watching Gundam Seed, Gundam Seed Destiny, and Gundam 00!.!.!. These three japanese animated series address this topic masterfully, while entertaining you quite a bit!. Cheer up, the world is ok the way it is !!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We have the power to blow up an entire world with the use of our nuclear bombs!.

We have the ability to travel to the moon, mars, etc!.

We can create simulations of the believed beginning of the Universe billions of years before our time!.

We have the ability to clone animals and soon ourselves!.

To the layman and many years ago, many these things seem impossible, or better yet mind boggling!.

Certainly if we can do those things, we can somehow find a way to achieve world peace on this small planet we call earth in the cosmos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Certainly it's difficult, but when we tackle difficult problems is when we grow and advance and better ourselves, our families, our neighbors, our countrymen, and eventually the world!. What if the Wright brothers had given up on powered flight because it was so difficult a challenge!? What if Jonas Salk had given up on developing a polio vaccine because that was so very hard!? What if nobody puts any more effort into finding cancer cures because that's so hard!?
The measure of a man is where he stands in times of turmoil and stress!. Let us hope that mankind never backs down from the awesome challenge of world peace!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's a good question!. I've talked with a buddhist monk about this once, and he seemed optimistic, even with the world as such a shitty place as it is!.

He seemed to think that while animals certainly can't "co-exist peacefully" with each other, us humans have evolved to a state of intelligence where we could if we wanted to!.

Ironically, i think religion is a huge obstacle to world peace!. All religions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its not foolish, its not a madness, its just a matter on people and society Changing!.
People in the world are intolerant, they don't accept others ideals, nor your ethnicity (racism), if we want peace then its beggining from US TO CHANGE, we are the ones who have tpo change first so then little by little we make a change that will be bigger and more significant!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

We will never attain complete world peace!.
We believe that because it makes us feel safe!.
Humans can't face reality, so they create a so called 'escape route!.' By saying we can attain complete world peace is foolish!. People who believe that are people who want a little more hope in their life!. Kind of like Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy!.
I sound pessimistic as well!.!.!.!.Although I'm really not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Instead of thinking that the entire world needs to change, how about making your own little part of it better!.
Volunteer to a humanities effort, work at a homeless shelter, etc!.
Maybe start your own feed the homeless program!. Once a month maybe!.
I've done it!.
It's not that hard!.
I made Split pea soup!.
Personally!.!.!. No help!.
Costs about $15 if you make enough to feed 100 people
Add a sandwich for each for another $10

Then see how you feel about what can and cant be done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, it is!. It's almost impossible and it's not
recommendable!. Think of a boring life in a crowded planet!. People would be killing each other within their own countries, cities and homes!. And last but not least, the rate of suicide would increase double-folded!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just because it's impossible to completely achieve a goal doesn't mean it's not worth striving towards!. I know I'm not ever going to get rid of every bug in my house, for instance, but I still do my best to evict the ones I see!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Does one try to calm a pond!? Or does he just sit stilly to see it majestically happens right before his eyes -- without disturbing the water!?

Same difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it may never work out but i actually think that if anything is less foolish in this world it is looking for peace and hope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes it's foolish!! Just live your life and let the big dogs take care of what they got to!!! IF you want peace then prepare for war!.!. simple as that!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you!.!.!.as long as there are irreconcilable differences between different groups, there will be war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Act locally think globally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


What other planet are you going to try to attain world peace!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not foolish to try!.!.!.

But it is foolish to believe it can be done!.!.!.

(We need all the help we can get)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You obviously don't get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

never gonna happenWww@QuestionHome@Com

not at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don t think there s gonna be world peace on Earth EVER:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Abolish religion!. It only causes problems, and it's full of crap anyway!.
Wipe about half the worlds' populace off the map!. With less of a strain on our resources, there will be less famine, no more squabbling over oil!.!.!.
Devote less time and money to politics, elect the people BEST FOR THE JOB, instead of people who you think are neat!.
Spend the money saved on researching disease cures!.

Of course, there are problems with this!. Namely:
Nobody wants to give up their religion, despite the fact that it has hundreds of plot holes and contradictions, because it allows them to act pompous and holier-than-thou!.
There will always be corrupt, greedy people who profit off of war, or just want to rule because the power makes them feel better about their inadequacies!.
There will never be peace, because even with all of the changes above, people will never be satisfied!. They will always want MORE!. That'll be our downfall!. That and blindly following anyone with a loud enough voice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If trying to attain peace on earth is the same as not being willing to go to war, then that's convenient, because i have other reasons!.!.!.
-I do not want to force others to treat me with respect, i want to earn their respect!. If they hate the good that I do, then I pity them, but i will never retaliate!. That would make me a hypocrite and one less good example!.
-I will not kill another human being!. If they are going to kill me, then I pity them, because they are blind!. But I will not bear the heavy heart!. I would die for my convictions before I would give them up!.
I cannot control others, only inspire them!. If I don't stand for what is right, then I suffer, and the human race takes another hit!.
It's not about changing the world, it's about doing what you can, being true to yourself!.
It is almost as though you are asking whether or not it is foolish to have integrity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com