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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is a libertarian a philosopher? a politician/lawmaker? a non-interventionist?

Question: Is a libertarian a philosopher!? a politician/lawmaker!? a non-interventionist!?
Help me understand about Libertarian stance toward federal governing and the U!.S!. constitution -- is a prime example of a "good" libertarian - - Bob Barr !? Jesse Ventura !? ACLU president!? ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Libertarians are politicians!. The word is older than the party!. The party was formed by people who saw in the philosophy of Ayn Rand the answer to big government!.

As she herself pointed out, however, most of the politicians forgot the logic behind the ideas of Federalism!. They spouted the end results--"Make government smaller!. Give freedom back to the people!."

But as for the "original intent" of the Founders, Locke's philosophy, Aristotilean epistemology, and Rand's own observations about the socialism of America and the mixed economy, the causes of inflation, etc!. the party seemed to have forgotten it all for the "sound bites!."

Not only that, she despised the anarchist side of the party, not to mention the idea of turning "police" and "fire" services into competing businesses!.

"The “libertarians” !. !. !. plagiarize Ayn Rand’s principle that no man may initiate the use of physical force, and treat it as a mystically revealed, out-of-context absolute !. !. !. !."
Harry Binswanger “Q & A Department: Anarchism,”
The Objectivist Forum, Aug!. 1981, 12!.

The Libertarians talk about smaller government, but when it come to such things as reversing the creation by the 14th Amendment of "citizens of the United States", or using the power of the Presidency itself to find Congressional legislation "unConstitutional," they won't even think about it!.

A real, "original intent," radical for American liberty would talk about "individual sovereignty!." I have not heard one of them do that!. http://www!.civil-liberties!.com/pages/wor!.!.!.

Still, I'd vote for a good one if he wasn't stealing votes from a candidate and thus make the worse candidate win!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bob Barr isn't a good libertarian!. I should know since I'm a libertarian!. Libertarianism is a philosophy and a political ideology!. It's a belief in how a government should be run so we are lawmakers and we are philosophers!. There are many different types of libertarian (minarchists, anarcho-libertarians, civil libertarians)!. However, we are not non-interventionists!. We will defend the country if need be but we don't believe in creating a police state that is going to be patroling the entire world!. A good libertarian is Ron Paul or Ludwig Von Mises (Austrian Economist), they are the epitome of what a good libertarian should be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

anyone can be called a philosopher if they think about their place in the world,

Some libertarians are lawmakers, many are not!. Some are non-interventionist, some are not!.

Just like there are millions of democrats in the US, and only a few thousand in public office, the same can be said of libertarians!. Some are librarians, doctors, janitors, whatever!.

To understand the general libertarian philosophy:
