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Position:Home>Philosophy> Cruelty is a part of nature, at least of human nature, but it is the one thing t

Question: Cruelty is a part of nature, at least of human nature, but it is the one thing that seems unnatural to us!.!?
do you agree with Jeffers!? is cruelty simply part of human nature!? are we destined to ( continue to) hurt each other!? is it beyond our control or can we stop!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Cruelty is subjective, some people may think certain act is cruel, but to others it may be the most logical choice!.

Notice cruelty is a feeling, it can not be defined without being subjective, because humans have different range when it comes to feelings!.(ie some people may be more sensitive, insensitive, etc) Objective cruelty cannot exist nor be verified in a validate manner!. Most people think killing is cruel, but in some countries, like africa where rituals and sacrifice is common, they think it is an honor to be the 'victim' and think its divine!. In their perspective, this sort of act is remote from something 'cruel'!.

What i mentioned above was 'cruelty' being done for specific purpose, but what if the purpose dont exist but only the 'cruel' process!? Some people do have psychological dysfunction, and enjoy being cruel to others!. It is not purely with no purpose but the purpose here is very insignificant because the farthest you can go will be: gaining enjoyment from harassing others!. So basically this deed is done without a purpose but a sick satisfaction for an individual!.

Yes, 'cruelty' is part of our nature, but the logic is flawed because it is based on our emotions and is objective!. However, i would not consider it as 'unnatural' thing to us!. usually, people are cruel to people they hate!. They might have done something bad to them etc!. Taking back(revenge) i think is part of our nature!. Biologically speaking, a life will not be able to be sustained when threatened, by being cruel to them, and showing whose boss, its likely that the 'enemy' will not try and hurt them!. This biological act may be interpreted as something 'cruel' but in evolutionary perspective, i think is a logical choice to make although our society consider it as something 'wrong'!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it is human nature to do what they think is right!. but knowing what is right is difficult!.

I think what is easiest that seems right, are those things that benefit the self in a near future way!.

i like to look at how people drive in traffic for questions like this!.

every driver driver drives trying to get themselves where they are going as fast as possible!. sometimes cutting people off, not letting them in, driving right up to the car in front and then stopping and going as soon as there is space!.

these habits are those that cause traffic and make it worse!. what is truly best is to drive in such a way as to facilitate other drivers, this helps cure traffic, and this will get you where you are going faster!.

so i think not, cruelty, but selfishness i guess is, not human nature but common to many human beings from birth!. and sometimes to the point that it causes cruelty to others!.

but still i think most often this is justified in some way!. like cheap labor abroad, -but we give them jobs they otherwise wouldn't have right!? and what if we made the world one country, would that logic still hold!?

sometimes cruelty can also be the cause of psychological dysfunction!.

I think the only human nature is that human beings do what they think is right, it's just that what right is can be anything depending on your point of view!.

i don't think there exists such a thing as an evil man!. only a misled or miseducated one!.

an animal can neither be cruel nor just good nor evil!. because an animal has no knowledge of anything!.

to truly be evil you must know you are acting badly know you acting wrong and doing it anyways!. i think this kind of thing is the fiction of movies and storybooks!. it makes no sense at all to do what you think is wrong, unless you are compelled to do so in like a psychological dysfunction kind of way!. like sexual arousement from setting fire or something!. or possibly addiction, once you've gotten addicted to something you may find it difficult to stop once you've figured out you find it wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hmmm!.!.!.interesting quote, never heard it before!.

I'm not sure of your religious beliefs, but since humans are sinful creatures, I think it is part of human nature to hurt others (even if it isn't intentional)!. Can we stop it!? Well!.!.!.that's tough because something that hurts me may not hurt someone else, you know!?

Of course we'd all like the "ideal" world, so cruelty seems unnatural!. I thought of the animal world when I read this!.!.!.like when a lion kills its prey!.!.!.we see that as cruel, but the lion is trying to survive!. Perhaps some humans are cruel because it's a survival instinct (perhaps unconscious!?)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is part of human nature and for most of us it does not seem unnatural just uncomfortable!. we see parts ourselves in the perpetrator and the victim which makes us uncomfortable!. no one wants to have anything in common with a murderer!. but we do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cruelty is a part of nature the differnce is the learned behavoir of not being cruel it is natural for an undisaplined human or even animal for that matter to figure out how to survive its for themselvesWww@QuestionHome@Com