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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is "logic" the unwilling adversary for the criminal and crime?

Question: Is "logic" the unwilling adversary for the criminal and crime!?
Is logic the victim of crime!?
Is crime the victim of logic!?

How so!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Neither of these statements is necessarily true in all cases and this seems to be a false dichotomy!.

For the record, I do not believe that abstract ideas can either victimize or be victimized!.

But for the sake of discussion I would suggest that logic itself stands alone and cannot be invalidated or affected in any way by "crime"!. Likewise, logic is not biased either for or against "crime", it simply is!.

On the other hand, I understand what you are asking and, again for the sake of discussion, I would say that, if anything, crime is "victimized" by logic in that a good crime must conform to principles of logic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Logic as the unwilling adversary for criminal and crime playing victims in any scenario may not be so unwilling!. This logic calls for justices of validity!. Validity is the idea that there are rights and wrongs, whites and blacks, and most importantly truths and falsities!. The line which divides, yest also joins to create what we know as understanding!. When deciding a victim we must consider its history!. What exactly came first!? I would say logic!. The idea of "victimization" is perhaps a product of what one defined through the use of logic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Logic is a system of normative reasoning!.
The idea that it is useful as a system demands that one agree that there exists such things as "rules of logic" sound and valid arguments logical fallacies and the law of non-contradiction!.
To state that it is completely epistemological is to suggest that the entire system could be inherently flawed if the epistemology is not consistent with reality!.
Perhaps this is the reason there exists so much debate of how modern physics should be interpreted!.
And here everyone thought such debates were ended long ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why would logic and criminals be adverse of each other!? The best criminals use a lot of logic so that they can get away with their crimes!. Without logic, a foolish criminal is easily caught!.

yeah, the dumbest criminals might *think* they are using logic, but only the true masterminds use actual logic!. That still makes what i said valid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Logic has no will!. Therefore it cannot be "unwilling!."
Your suppostition is not only "unsound", but "invalid!."
http://phil240!.tamu!.edu/LectureNotes/6!.1!.!.!. [See page 5]Www@QuestionHome@Com