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Position:Home>Philosophy> Teleological Argument (Paley)?

Question: Teleological Argument (Paley)!?
Ok i fully understand the concept and meaning of Paley's argument, but what was he implying when he said "the universe resembles human artefacts"!?!?
I personally don't think the universe ressembles anything like the universe - if anything - the other way around!.

thanks for your input guys you always help =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its epistemology is based upon an a priori foundation!.
So that any argument of the teleological will also support rationalism as valid!.
It does not completely sastify any methodical skepticism and thus it is often considered to be lacking at best as an argument!.
However in philosophical debate an absolute skeptic may conclude that both sides adaquitely cancel each others arguments so that the issue would remain unkownable!.
Here it would be up to you to decide where you stand on the issue in terms of epistemological, ontological, and metaphsical philosophy before you would be able to adopt a position on the validity of the argument!.
It is likely that these ideas are already solidified in your phschy but if you are not adaquitely familar with the terms then you will not likely know which camps you fall into and thus not be able to demostrate the reasoning you use to arrive at the position you consider most valid!.
I would suggest that you study metaphysics, and epistomology and decide where you fall into these areas of philosophy so that the argument is put into a more clearly defined context!.
The idea that the universe resembles human artefacts would depend upon if the argument established rationalism as an epistomological grounds as to what defines "knowledge"!.
I assume that he had done this which would indicate that the very same inate ideas that provide the mind with knowledge are present in the universe thus allowing one to imply that the universe is a product of inate ideas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"The argument from design stands or falls on whether it can be demonstrated that some aspect of the universe such as its origin or biological life could not have come about naturally!. The burden of proof is !.!.!. on the supernaturalist to demonstrate that something from outside nature must be introduced to explain the data!."?- Victor Stenger, Has Science Found God!? (draft: 2001), ch!. 4Www@QuestionHome@Com