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Question: Is it Possible to Build a working Time machine!?
Einsteins theory says that time is an illusion that there is not past or present and were living our lives right now!.

so with all the brain power and technology in the universe, would it be impossible to travel through time since time does not exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We shall see!.
It is important to note that in the vid seriers I used as a source that this would be an example of relativistic time travel and not time reversal and so the chronological protection conjecture put forth by physicist such as Hawking would not come up in this example because this is an example of a type of frame dragging that results in the subjective appearence of some thing that exceeds the speed of light, however from the perspective of the object in that was moving at the speed of light the constant would not be broken only it would appear that way to those that were not moving at comparable speeds because of the frame dragging!.
It current theories it is possible to encouter mathmaticaly reasonable examples of "time travel"(rember space and time are entertwined in general relativity) that is to say that the math works on paper but as of yet not many have been creative enough to devise a way to test these ideas with the possible exception of the guy in this vid link, be sure to check out all the vids because they explain it all so that it is not difficult to understand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Einstein theory says our perception of time is an illusion!.

Einstein said there is connection between gravity and time!.

That is why everything go slow near black whole!.

If someone create something that can manipulate gravity time travel is possible!.

I believe so!.

also creating a machine that can withstand huge pressure is going to help!.

***If time was only perception then explain me about physics theory!. Maybe time is not actual phenomena just like mathematics but is mathematics wrong!?

The important thing is whether it is our perception or phenomena, if it works then, thats it!. You think in order for time traveling to work it must be a phenomena(only) which is wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with chrysostomon!. We all travel through time!. On this planet, in this solar system, with our measurements, we hurtle into the future at the astonishing rate of one second per second!. Of course that is relative to the speed at which another observer in another solar system might be traveling through time!. It's even relative (slightly) to the people and things which have left our planet!. And while it may not be possible to reverse time travel, I encourage to research the subject!. Perhaps you will discover a way to slow our forward momentum enough to so that time will cease to fly when I'm having fun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Really not possible in practical basis!.

Einstein even thought of travelling but till today only this is dream to the inventors!.

Scientists went to different planets and tried to find what it is and how it is serving!.

IN MY OPINION, once you will start moving through time machine, you are start for leaving this world ( means you will be dead)!. Will run for eternal life and if Almighty God think again to move you out then again to another planel with different appearance May be not as a man, may be some thing different that God wishes!. AND WE MUST REMEMBER HIS WISH IS THE EXECUTIION TOWARDS THE WORLD FOR BEING THE THINGS ROLLING!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

U!. Connecticut Physics professor Ronald L!. Mallett has written about his apparently-valid equations in "Time Traveler: A Scientist's Personal Mission to Make Time Travel a Reality!."

Interestingly, he was approached by DARPA to be given grants, in return for their control of his experimental device and results!. He turned this down, believing as he does in public domain/open access!.

You might find intriguing psychiatrist Olga Kharitidi's first book, "Entering the Circle," in which she describes her work with a leading physics institute, developing an out-of-body-inducing apparatus, which in turn endowed the obe'r with time-transcending potentialities!.

Another interesting aspect of physics relating to time travel is found in "The Masters and the Spiritual Path," Mark Prophet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is nobody registered on Yahoo Answers intelligent enough to explain exactly why time travel is impossible!. All we really need to know is that it is!. The explanation is best left to the guys in the lab coats!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i come from the futer and I'm here to tell you a lot of people are going to tell you if it doesn't exist you can't travel through itWww@QuestionHome@Com

nope!. the closest possible concept would be interdimensional travel!. You can only travel in time if it is possible to have an effect without a cause!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think really time travel is only possible going into the future but i don't know if freezing the body is time travelWww@QuestionHome@Com

time is not an illusion, it just flows dynamically, it's not the same in all regions of the universe!.

Time exists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time travel must be impossible or we would have already seen signs of travelers from the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Time travel is not impossible!. We do so already! ;-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If time can fly, time can travel!. Kick your alarm clock out the window!. Q!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In a generic sense we do it all the time!. I remember leaving the Philippines at 9:12 am in the morning on Saturday morning for a 16 hour flight and landing in Seattle Washington at 9:00 am Saturday morning!. We had a three hour stay in Japan!.

Of course we live on planet earth that has 24 different time zones and think nothing of it!. And the upper half of the earth is going into summer and the lower half is going into winter!.

But for your question!. No!. The only one who remains the same after 2,000 years absence from earth is Jesus Christ when he returns but of course he doesn't count, does he!?

If God delayed his coming and man was able to duplicate what God could do in that way I bet we could!. I just don't think that is part of God's plan for man though!. Later!.

Edit: I think j153e may be on to something!. Only because it concurs with the fact that present technology and physics restricts man in this way!. What his post brings up is what is man!? Is he more than just the physical reality he lives in!? What part of him is scientifically recognized to allow man to travel back into time the way he described!? Are scientiests at that time recognizing that perhaps man and his mind (they would never say sou) can do that!? They could repeat test visits could they not!? With that kind of experimenting it might validate that kind of technological tool for man to do that!.

But another question is reaised!. What if man were allowed to rewrite history!? Because I do not believe a man can change anything!. But be a passive observer of past history!.

Zowie!.!. later gator!.Www@QuestionHome@Com