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Position:Home>Philosophy> What in your opinion separates men from boys?

Question: What in your opinion separates men from boys!?
Especially here on this site, can you correctly guess from their answers!? how!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Google "If," by Rudyard KiplingWww@QuestionHome@Com

It does matter I suppose!. I tend to judge the question or the answer by the quality of what was said!. Age difference and duration of time hearer for me is not a relevant factor to how well or not they responded to the question for me personally!.

I suppose in the end what separates the men from the boys depends a lot in the eye of the beholder who is either the one who asked the questioned or answered it!. Later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have found some people are just very enlightened and full of wisdom from a young age!. I have also found there are some men who never grow up!. So it is not a matter of age but of maturity and purpose, and spiritual wisdom that separates the men from the boys or the the women form the girls!. The soul is eternal and some souls have been in this world a long long time!. The ones who are on their way out of this world in this life are the most self realized and we can separate them from the rest!. Thanks and Peace to you!. Gauranga!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Having not seen the answers I'm willing to bet it's puberty!. I'm willing to bet most haven't experienced it yet ever thought they are say 30 something!. Don't be to hard on them after all girls or women mature at a much faster right!? The sad truth to it is some just can't help themselves with the hunter gatherer syndrome they seem to have!. Sorry boys! Well this is a refreshing change!. Good going guys!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Responsibility and maturity!.

I believe i can correctly guess from their answers!.

***Haha nice guess, but you are wrong, im still a boy, 16 years old =P!. Well, but mentally i could be a man!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Confidence in the answer!. Complete sentences!. Respect for others!. Unbias and open to suggestion!. Honest!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



Paying bills, and not living w/mom and pops!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know but I want to stay a boy foreverWww@QuestionHome@Com


What separates Men from Boys, you asked!?
Sometimes it takes some thought as to who is a Boy and who is a Man, because Man, sometimes act like a small Boy, when he does not get his way, and the Boy when he responds to a question, which ever it might be, acts more Man than Boy when answering!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The line that separates men from boys 'does not draw legibly'!. (sorry to disappoint you)!. Man's thoughts and behavior take to blend playfully with that of a boy's, depending on his moment of mood!. Even the most 'man-sounding' man who talks in the best sense may be discreetly hurling marbles from his shorts' pockets!. It certainly would be hard to tell,!.!. as every man will find it hard to keep his tot games totally off hands!.
But, wouldn't you like a man who stays young!.!.!.even at heart!?Www@QuestionHome@Com