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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you find happiness being loved by someone who does not have to?

Question: Do you find happiness being loved by someone who does not have to!?
I mean when you date someone they love you, that have chosen you to love!. Does this make you happy or does it make you feel tied down and scared!? I am always feel very happy and free when someone I love loves me for no reason other than she thinks I am wonderful!. Yet some people get nervous about things like this!. Which are you and why do you feel that way!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I absolutely love being loved!. I am currently in a relationship right now where I am loved, and even though I sometimes feel scared that I might not be "good enough" for him to love me, it really is the most reassuring thing in the world to know that you don't have to do anything more than be yourself to be loved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Happiness (or self-esteem, or any other psychological factor) ought not depend on others for its achievement!.

For that reason, you should not feel tied down by someone who loves you--if you don't love him/her!. So what if he/she loves you!? That is not a blank check on your time and energy, let alone on love you must return!.

It's always good when someone you love also loves you back!. But they won't always love you back, just as you will not always love the one who loves you!.

The important thing is WHY you love the one you love!. Love is an emotional response to your value system!. You wouldn't love a slut, would you!? Why not!? Because her value system is far below yours!.

I do not find happiness in being loved by someone who does not have to!. I find happiness loving someone else based on who they are according to standards!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, it depends, I mean, if I love the person back then yeah, I find great hapiness in it and I feel very lucky too, but if I don't love the person back then I just feel flatered and sorry because I can't share that love and because I know how much that hurts to that personWww@QuestionHome@Com