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Question: Consciousness!?
Do you see the brain as an interface to a realm where consciousness exists in a similar way to how matter exists in the universe!.

For example!.!.!.
1!. they both seem to occupy a space with a geometric representation
2!. in the physical universe matter reflects light at a certain wavelength, in the conscious reality certain wavelengths are transformed into certain colors
3!. they both are bound by law, you cannot go faster than the speed of light, you cannot get happier than when eating ice creamWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Consciousness has never been shown to be anything other than physical in origin!.

Where's the evidence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

consciousness i think is just the necessary byproduct of intelligence in tandem with other necessary parts of your brain, like your senses, and memory!.

i don't think it is a realm or any kind!.

it is not the conscious that transforms light into color!.

it is the conscious that KNOWS that light is transformed into color!.


the venus flytrap, moves when it senses a fly, some plants do react to touch, they react to light!. but does the plant feel!?

well it feels, but it does not KNOW it feels!. thus there is no true feeling!.

similarly a "human" could potentially be not self aware, though still they would have eyes and emotions, their eyes would see and translate the outside world into a sense!. though the person would not be aware of it!.

when your hand touches something burning hot, do you contemplate pulling your hand away!? no, you retract it right away without thought, in fact sometimes you would pull your hand away before even that you know if what you touched is hot or cold!. only after do you become aware of the sense!.

it is true that the world around is without any attributes our senses advertise, though our awareness is not the senses themselves it is the knowledge that the senses exist, it is the presence of mind, the knowledge of now and memory of before that is only possible because we have senses that clumsily translate the existance of the universe around us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the author of "The Evolution of the Human Mind" said it best!.!.!.(his premise is that we tend to "complicate what consciousness is" more than is necessary, and tend to lend consciousness a "spooky" aspect that in reality doesn't exist!.!.!.)

It's the constant "mirror on mirror" illusion that is created between our body's detection of "sensation" and our brain's interpretation of that sensation which is "perception!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Consciousness is like peering into a murky pool!. It tries to see into the depths of the pool, but it is always blurry!. You can never see it crystal clear!. That is consciousness, my friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perception is not the same things as physical reality!. You are creting three dimensional geometry for the non-physical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would hesitate to agree that consciousness exists in a "realm!." Perhaps we are on the same page, but to me, the word realm suggests a domain that is separate from our universe!. I see consciousness as an interpretation of the physical!. Our thoughts do not have an affect on the physical world!. Rather, the physical world (ie: the composition of our brains in relation to the surrounding universe) dictates what is thought!.

My thoughts on yours:

1!. I think they both occupy a space only insofar as consciousness has a direct relationship to the space that is occupied by the physical brain!.

2!. I think both of these statements are true, but I don't see how they are related!. In the physical universe matter reflects light at a certain wavelength!. The colors we see are translations of the wavelengths that enter our eyes (ie: a direct result of the brains reaction to stimuli)!.

3!. I think that both are bound by physical law!. You cannot go faster than the speed of light!. Rather than saying you cannot get happier than when eating ice cream, I would say that you cannot get any happier than the maximum speed and volume of the "pleasure neurons" (If you will accept my layman's vocabulary!. Obviously there are no "pleasure neurons," however there are neurons that stimulate happiness) in your brain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com