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Position:Home>Philosophy> What does it mean to be human in a world that is becoming increasingly mechanize

Question: What does it mean to be human in a world that is becoming increasingly mechanized!?
Do you agree or are you alright living in a world that is becoming more dependent on machines and electronics or do you belive that machines and electronics are a real privalage when used in balance!? Do you think too much machinery and dependence on them takes us from our roots; Mother Nature !?!?
Thanks for your time :)

Love Light and Peace :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I think that our industrialized and mechanic world is taking us from what our ancestors were and our roots!. If a person from prehistoric era's were to see our world, they would have a heart attack from shock!. But that is what humans do: grow, and grow to every corner of the world!. Sure machines and industrialism help us in this world but we probably don't need them to live!. However, if it weren't for technology, people would needlessly die or get sick (unless you believe it was fate that they die or got ill - I'm not questioning beliefs here)!. So while your or I or anyone may not feel comfortable with every machine in this world, some of them do help!. But I agree with you that things we don't need (like televisions and MP3's) are getting in the way of nature and, if anything, harming nature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Without machines and technology, we would just be like pilgrims or cavemen always having to look for food, taking a 5-10 hour "journey" to somewhere that would just take 30mins - 1 hour in a car, etc!.

If we didn't have machines, there would be no technology and we would be living like people were way before the automobile even came about!.

I don't believe in making a robot to have Artificial Intelligence and human-like qualities, though!. They could probably eventually take over the world!. (I know that sounds cliche, but it could happen)

And hmm, not necessarliy does it take away from mother-nature!.!.!. Depends on how you look at it!. The only thing is that the more machines = more electricity = more pollution, but they are working on trying to make as little pollution as possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it is 'a' natural path in evolution!. Being more dependent machines and electronics is no stranger than being more dependent on fire, yet if we think of fire today, we think it is natural!. If hives produced by bees are part of mother nature, then machines created by man should be considered no less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have more time for jogging, meditation, and your family!. Go and do all the things you could not do due to lack of time!. Look at the sky in the early morning and at night and feel the peace!. Snuggle into your electric blanket and wonder how the caveman and cave woman managed without the luxuries of modern life and give thanks for the god given ingenous brain of man that is trying to improve lifestyle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those at the top use mechanization for their own purposes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Luminous beings are we!.!.!.not this crude matter - Yoda!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally see no real distinction between a mechanized tool and a manually operated one!. The difference between a rifle and a bow is that one is far more efficient than the other, not that the former is mechanical and the latter is not!.
Technology is the application of knowledge, and all knowledge comes from the natural world!. So where does nature end and technology begin!?
Nature creates its machines by trial and error over many generations, it invented settlements, farming, computing and communications technology long before humans evolved!. Nowadays human intelligence can create new inventions much faster, and they don't rely on DNA to propagate!. The speed and the method are different but the end result is the same- new machines that change the world!.

Our proteins are natures machines, our cells are machines made of proteins, our bodies are machines of cells, why should machines made by humans be any less natural!?

Building, living with and becoming part of the machines of the future is not only natural progression, it has the possibility to be many times more beautiful than anything nature has to offer!.

I welcome our new machine overlords, and look forward to man-made machines which surpass natural ones both technically and aesthetically!.Www@QuestionHome@Com