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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do you LOVE your country?

Question: How do you LOVE your country!?
Do you feel the nationalist feelings or do you apply your sense!? Please, USA residents don't reply, since you all are from different countries! (Yet I would expect answers from real USA residents!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nationalism is dangerous!. The waves of nationalism that spread all over Japan and Germany, eight decades ago, resulted in a massive world conflict that killed forty million people!.
Nationalism in the USA is very alive, but has not reached dangerous levels yet!.!. If, on the other hand, America let herself be dragged to the dark path of nationalism, the country will self-destruct exactly like Germany and Japan!.

The best way to love your country is to do what you think is right for yourself and for others, regardless what the leaders of your nation say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love my country so long as it loves me and others!. it is not unconditional!. i love the people in it equally as i would love all others and would wish because of that that we would unite as one and help each other as brothers and sisters rather than butt heads and compete against each other!.

there are some things i like about my country, some i don't, I think though that in comparison to many others mine is run well with good intentions!. the people of my country are well liked worldwide something i value greatly!. and it is relatively safe and peaceful, though i've travelled to safer!. and i don't find it too exploitative!. but i think there are other countries i would love as much and perhaps more!. though i am most displeased with my heritage!.

the moment my country acts in such a way i find wrong i would cease to give it my love!. this is how i protect my self from being misled by it!.

if you love your country no matter what it does, it will do whatever it wants!. particularly in a democracy!.

I am Canadian, not born but raised, but before that even, i am human like the inhabitants of all other nations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your question is slightly confusing!. I was born in the USA, so I am a resident and a citizen!. My ancestors were born in Poland, Ireland, and America (Cherokee Indian)!. I feel no special love of Poland or Ireland!. I am somewhat proud that one of my grandfathers was half Amerind!.
I love the people and history of the USA from the senses and personal perspective, but I am embarrassed and ashamed of the last 50 or so years of American Imperialism and World Control Politics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By not littering, by taking care of public property, by lending your fellow countryman a helping hand!.
The smallest acts amount to greater effect because you could do it everyday and all the time!. That is a greater show of patriotism than any form of participation in politically driven wars!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the USA! Maybe you guys wouldn't obsess over hating us so much if you were happy about yourselves!. :))))

And I live in Oklahoma, Red Earth!. My Native American friends would tell you to stay out of our business, and that I'm as much an American as they are!.

Gotta problem with that or my 'jingoism'!? Let it eat you up inside!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love my country as a child loves his father!.!.!.but then my country is not a Continent, nor is it the politicians that rule it!.!.!.my country is the people who believe in the principals that this nation was founded on!. Even if it many have been smoke blown up our rectal cavities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Our ancestors all came from different countries and we are from different states but first and foremost we live in the United States of America, we are Americans!. We love our country and will defend our way of life to the death!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are a nationalist in any country, you are a deluded sheep that lets others make political decisions for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't love my country, so much assimilation and war, for only our own selfish gain, I'd rather suffer oppression than to live in an oppressive government bent on assimilating all weaker nations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With Patriotism and by defending it whenever I meet an enemy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

By living the American Dream and generations to come!!Www@QuestionHome@Com