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Position:Home>Philosophy> Do you believe that if every world leader was...?

Question: Do you believe that if every world leader was!.!.!.!?
only allowed to lead their nation IF he/she was of no religious persuasion, or atheist, that the world would be in a better state than it is now, or a worse state!?
Can you justify your answer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well considering the mess we are in because of religious leaders, its hard to see how atheists could do any worse!.
However, atheism is just a lack of belief in god or gods!. We can also believe other crazy things (like Stalin)!.
On the other hand, if you mean the modern type of atheists (secular humanists) then yes, because that IS an actual belief that the world could be united under!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it matters if a person in a leadership role is religious or not!. I think really the thing that the leader needs to be or at lest try to be is just, as possible, but people who are unjust don't really like those who are just they are afraid of them, because they who practice justice are the ones who can see the unjust actions of others!. So really it is hard to have a leader who is just, they might be killed in the proses (like MLK and Gandhi)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try to imagine the world without the teachings of Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Allah, etc!. In my mind, being kind to your fellow man would be an unknown concept!. Might makes right would be the general rule!. Marriage would mean ownership!. Abortion would not be an issue!. Cannibalism would be an acceptable practice!. Enslaving the weak would be normal!. Etc!. In short, not a world I would want to live in!. If leaders ignore religious teachings, they would demand you worship them as your leader!. Mankind needs guidance, craves it!. Who do you want to be guided by!? Wouldnt you prefer to decide for yourself who to believe in!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. Both religious and non-religious people make bad decisions, go to war, and cause general chaos!. Religious people are not the ONLY cause of strife and misery!. People are people, and non-religious people are no more perfect than believers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com