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Position:Home>Philosophy> Are you mentally strong enough to live forever?

Question: Are you mentally strong enough to live forever!?
I think maddness would be the ultimate result of living forever!. Do you believe you are strong enough mentally to with stand eternity just as you are!? Not me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No Ms Crone, you probably won't find TOO many ascended ones at this level of mortal development!. Occasionally, and I mean VERY occasionally, one gets to run into such a person, but the rest of us are just here to develop as far as we can under these circumstances!. It's just that some of us have talents in ONE way and others have talents in others that makes it only SEEM as though some of us are able to do it forever!. Remember Ms Crone, MANY folks believe that they don't remain here forever but that at some point, we DO ascend to a higher level of existence!. There are many old spirits who get tired and bored and simply decide to move on to other venues!. Many spirits are here for only one visit but each is here to learn something!. Perhaps you need to do a Spiritual evaluation and see if your spirit is doing IT'S job of learning the lesson for this lifetime!. There's probably a lot more that you'll find when you look!. *smiles*

Brightest Blessings,
Raji the Green WitchWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would hope I am not that kind of strong!. The kind of mental slipping I'd expect would be the same as the kind I'd want!. I think I'd have to become a bit disordered, relative to how I am now, to enjoy life to the fullest, and if I lived forever, I'd figure out how, and do so!.

I mean, eternity - I'd outlast the Earth!. Of course I would want to become something different altogether - the changes I went through would dismantle me and make me something else, that if I became it today, I'd call insane!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take 2 - I began to answer this then my computer began to play up!!!!

No I am not mentally strong enough to live forever, if I had to remain as I am NOW!. But then again I believe that life is all about change and growth; spiritually, emotionally & intellectually!.

There are times when I think that I need eternity to grow and become the best that I can be, and to experience everything that I want to experience!.!.!.!. but then there are some people that I don't want to spend time with forever !.!.!.!. maybe that's why we live in cycles lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

NO WAY, in the World do I want to live forever!. What with the way, the world is at the moment, it looks like!.It isn't going to last forever, anyway!.

You don't have to live forever, to go mad!. Just open a Newspaper & read what some Politician has dreamed up That should be proof enough!.

That we are being led by the Insane, and there's only one way
an Insane Politician get's to be in office!. We Put Him There ! ! !

Doesn't that substantiate, that we are all CRAZY to!. So no I don't want to live forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No I am not strong enough!. If you lived forever you would have to watch everyone you care about grow old and die!. You would watch their children and grandchildren grow old and die!. Eventually you would avoid contact with anyone because you don't wish to experience the pain of eventually losing them too!. I have seen too much death already!. I know I am not strong enough for that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely not!.

It's getting harder to get through each day let alone forever!.

With my life's troubles, everyday's struggles, and the world's growing problems, absolutely not!.

Only people who are extremely ignorant, extremely happy, or don't live in reality can!.

Interesting question!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, where do I sign up!!!!

Living forever would most likely occur in the body, not the mind!. When you are young, life seems like an intractable set of circumstances for the mind!. But believe me, honey, the body is what you will always have!.

Besides no one lives forever, so go get a face lift and move to Paris!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think so, it depends on what happens in the future, and if i have company!.

but i think that time goes by faster the older you get, so by the time you're 1 million years old a year would feel like a minute to you when you were 2 and a half!. since 1 yr would be a millionth of your life, and when you're roughly 2 and a half a millionth of your life so far would be about a minute!. which would be kind of weird, and you'd have a hard time interactive with short lifespan species, but travel times around the universe would seem much shorter to you!. the end of the universe would come at you faster and faster!. the long parts would be the parts closest to now!.

plus if you can find a way to accelerate yourself really quickly the rest of the universe would basically go into fast forward the faster you are moving, so you could get out of it that way if it came to that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Living forever in a spiritual sense does not mean in time!. It means just being in the moment, and nobody can complain about that!. It is always the moment, there is no sense of past and future, as the mind would be gone!. Just awareness aware!.

Forever now, is a good way to spend eternity!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would not enjoy living forever!.
If you lived forever it would mean you would have to do everything you are doing now forever!.
You would have to work forever to pay for food, rent, clothing, etc!. forever!.
Imagine how monotonous it would get!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

after the madness would come the meditation to control the madness!. I could do it!. My attention span isn't that long and I'd just travel around making new friends, learning everything there is to know about earth and the universe, influence political assasinations for the fun of it :) that sort of thing!. I'd keep busy and with my short attention span I could do it all next month in some other country :)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Les Landes" & les Vieilles Croix + VirTuoso/train sFerailles D'Y Revenir en:

"Anceetres Qui Vous Aiment"
lEn Feu-Fayries D' Y Revenir!.!.!.
And SiTu EOIL !
Tu meurs !.!.!. Po^r ETRE En
P!.S !.haWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would like to think so!. I'd just write books the whole time and use pen names and give them to people to take credit for them!. lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I had enough money and didn't have to worry about that part, I'm pretty sure I mentally could handle it!.

Just think of all you would learn and see!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no one could retain their full mental capacity foreverWww@QuestionHome@Com

naah!.!.i dont think i could!.!.!.i mean your going to watch everyone you love die!.!.i think that is enough to drive someone mad!.!.rightWww@QuestionHome@Com

I wnt to live forever, boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


G0d knows!.Www@QuestionHome@Com