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Position:Home>Philosophy> Anyone else feeling incredibly lonely tonight?

Question: Anyone else feeling incredibly lonely tonight!?
Sigh!.!.!. I wish I knew why I felt that way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It could have been worse!. You could have been stuck at a wedding reception dinner in Michigan, sitting at a table with 3 of the most boring people in the world for an hour!.

I'm sorry you had a lonely night PC!. I hope things are better now!.!.!.

Lady MorganaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Can you teach yourself or learn how to cope with loneliness!? Of course you can, one way is to find ways to be happy!. Sounds crazy, but try it!. Have you tried to take responsibility for your feeling without isolating or taking on a role that is subordinate!. Are you isolating or in a subordinate role!? Maybe, it is time to change!. When we ask why!? We are generally thirsty for change!. I suggest reading a good book about loneliness or joining a self-help group!. Better yet, reach out to someone you can trust and talk it out!. There are lots of safe ways to work out your question and feelings of loneliness!. It is a pleasure to hear someone so honest to share her feeling this way!. Stay verticle, walk hard and use hard optimism!. Of course this is just my opinion and who am I to tell anyone anything that may harm them or steer them in the wrong direction!. I think its safe to say we all try to find healthy ways to live life!. I hope you keep heading in that direction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You know Ms Crone!? I thinki MIke T hit the nail right on the head when he said, and I'm paraphrasing here, that you ARE responsible for how YOU feel!. You may not be responsible for how others feel but you already KNOW that the responsibility for how YOU feel is entirely yours!. You're just being scared to make the changes that you KNOW that you WANT to make!. I can't say as I blame you either, most folks hate drastic changes in their lives!. The bottom line is this, you HAVE to go where Spirit is forcing you to go!. The harder that you resist the "push" the more traumatic it tends to make itself in the end!. I think its mostly the Spiritual excitement and apprehension of your higher self that is already aware of the changes and trying to tell the REST of you to just "go with it"!. But hey, I'm just a friendly little Green Witch and this is purely MY opinion!. But it's based on a lot of insight into you, Ms Crone!. You might try a few Chakra meditations and try to get all your points in alignment!. I find that usually works for me when my spirits are a bit out of whack on me!.

Hope it works out for you, Ms Crone!.

Brightest Blessings,
Raji the Green WitchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not lonely, but alone, not needy!.

Maybe you need human company!. Treat yourself to a shopping trip, or to the theater!. Watch a play, a show!. Be where many people are!.

Walk downtown!. Go rollerblading in a park, or cycling !. Go to a church service!. Volunteer at a local shelter!.

Be a voluteer!. Lord knows you are badly needed by a lot of organizations whose manpower depends completely on people like you!.

Look around, and maybe your eyes will see these places!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No my wife of 17 years is very close and I feel very loved and grateful for her life!. Every person is a possible infinite, if only we take the time to listen, love, and respond!. It is something we were made to do, so it will happen for you if you allow it!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sometimes I feel lonely, even though my house is a circus and I'm rarely ever truly alone!. It's weird how you can be surrounded by people, and still feel isolated, isn't it!?

Hope you feel better!. Try calling an old friend, that always works for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am alone right now, but not lonely!. I'm actually enjoying the peace & quiet!. try listening to music, that always distracts me from my thoughts!. or if you can try to just enjoy the silence!.
: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lonely days!.!.!.!.lonely nights!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every night!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

chemical imbalance in your body !.!.!. exercise sleep on it and then go pet some baby cats and dogs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm feeling some of the same!. If only I can get a thumbs up on one of these answers I might feel a little better!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I do, but it is because i am alone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bored more like it, its poker night for himWww@QuestionHome@Com
