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Position:Home>Philosophy> In plato's theory of the body & soul, where do you find emotions?

Question: In plato's theory of the body & soul, where do you find emotions!?
the body is intrested in sense pleasures
the soul knows real knowledge such as beauty ect!.

so which of these holds emotions such as jealousy, love, hate ect!.

is it the sense bit-body
or real knowledge-soulWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Emotion I think is from the Mind, and extension of the Body!. Think of the chariot analogy thing!. Emotion is apparently a distraction from 'higher matters of the soul' which the philosopher should be concerned with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Plato's theory is of the tripartite soul (reason, spirit, appetite)!.

Emotions in the conventional sense (anger, lust, pleasure) would be associated with the appetite, although pride (as in glory) would be associated with the spirit!.

In the context of ancient Greek thought, happiness (Eudaimonia) would be part of reason, but this was not understood as an emotion in the modern sense!. It refers to a higher level of fulfillment or flourishing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

soul i believe
senses/body is more physical/lust
soul is about love/mental
so it includes emotionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

" The soul is born pure and tainted by life "Www@QuestionHome@Com