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Position:Home>Philosophy> Hillary is no worse than any of the other politicians. Yet why does she get pick

Question: Hillary is no worse than any of the other politicians!. Yet why does she get picked on the most!?
Anti Hillary people will claim that she's a liar, manipulator blalbalblablala!. Hello, all politicians are liars and manipulators!. This includes Bush, Lincoln, Mccain, and Obama!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Perhaps because she is a female!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Politics is truly an ugly profession, made worse by the fact that a woman is attempting to run for the most powerful position held by a single person in the nation!. It is my belief that all this power is a major head trip!.!.!.!.
Until the days of women's liberation ( last century), the very idea of a woman doing anything useful was preposterous!. Men are genetically programmed to have the biggest egos!.!.!.witness the desire to compete, the extreme desire to conquer, and much larger muscles to do so!.
Women who are crafty realize this, and have been known to be the power behind the scenes!.
Hillary is a woman who desires a man's position in the political arena, which is the dirtiest of all the areas of life she could get into!.!.!.
As a woman who is breaking the traditional roles of women, she is being challenged by the status quo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because she is running for the presidential nomination and out of the democrats, she is the most of all those things, way too worried about the politics of the issues and not the issues themselves, McCain doesnt get picked on a lot cause the dems are focusing on Hilary right now, and obama does get picked on by McCains team, just noone cares right now

if one more person says its because a woman im gonna punch something

yes, for some people is because shes a woman
a lot of people don't want obama cause hes black
it doesnt mean all
but for the most part its because shed be an awful president whether or not she was female or male!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

actually, she hasn't picked on more than any other politician throughout american history!.!.!.!. but in this race, she has gotten increasingly negative attention!. why!?

well!.!.!. (1) she has been in politics for 35 years and is the wife of a former president -- so she knows how to play the political game (ie fales promises, lying quietly, give-and-take) and she has a lengthy political track record to prove it!.
(2) common sense being the hallmark of reasonableness, she has continued to "fight on" in a race she can't win!.!.!. which would imply she has an ulterior motive!. maybe she wants to be the spoiler at the convention; maybe she has certain delegates in her pocket to sway the voting at the convention; maybe she is planning for some other political move that we are unaware of!. nevertheless, most people would "do the math" with remaining possible delegates and bow out with dignity!.
(3) she has a reputation for being a very smart, ambitious person, but she is also known for being quite nasty and down right abusive to people who challenge her point of view or don't do things the way she thinks they should be done!. and maybe her treatment is simple karma coming back to her!.

anyway!. thats just my opinion!.!.!. it will be interesting to read what others say as well!.


I dunno, friend: they aren't being awfully nice to Senator Obama either!. It's the nature of politics - things aren't any uglier in that arena today than the were a hundred, even two hundred years ago!. Almost makes ya want to take all newspaper editors and wring their collective necks, eh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well we all have to put on shoes that fit us including myself!. And most opponents recognize the shoes on ones foot when they see it!. It's not just bad luck!. It's reciprocity!. What one sows is what one reaps!. No one is above that law!. And that includes yours truly who knows this all to well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Willary!? Because she remains the pathetic wife (her own stupid choice) of that jackass!. Why would anyone want him anywhere near the White House again!? Whose dresses would he stain then!? And all this experience she claims to have - until a few years ago the only office she held was as self-elected stain remover!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, maybe because she is a woman and maybe because her husband was president already!. Picking her as president, will empower the Clinton dinasty!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

She's a woman!. America is desperately behind the times!. It's a woman hating country!. Even women hate other women!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she's an easy target!. people who say the same of Obama would be accused of racism, which is far worse these days than being seen as anti-feminist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because of all the people who are certain she IS worse than other politicians!.Www@QuestionHome@Com