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Position:Home>Philosophy> Your most profound realisation?

Question: Your most profound realisation!?
I'm curious to know!.!.!.

In your lifetime, what has been the most profound realisation you have had!?

Or most important personal discovery you've made!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
well Ive got several that tie for most profound
One occurred when I was about 6 months pregnant with my son!.!.!. and the realization of scientifically where he came from!.!.!. two single cells that merged!.!.!. becomming something totally unique!.!.!. made up of skin and organs and bones and muscles!.!.!. Spiritually that is so profound to me!.!.!.because it proves that the two (spirit and science) are NOT separate!.!. but work together with intense perfection

another is that Spiritually we never end!.!.!. we are not physical beings trying to figure out our spirituality!.!.!. we are SPIRITUAL beings trying to figure out how to live in a physical plane!.!.!. experiencing everything for the Joy of knowing the experience!.!.!.

then theres the deep thoughts of lables!.!.!. we lable everything!.!.!.the word chair!.!.!. isnt the chair!.!.!. it is just a lable for it so we can perceive it!.!.!. and know it!.!.!. if we called it a horse, for example!.!.!. it would not change what it is!.!.!. just our lable of it!.!.!.
it can take you in circles
but sometimes its fun to think on it!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Life seems to be a never ending string of realisations, and the most recent always seems the most important and probably is because it usualy requires all of your previous thoughts combined!. My thoughts up until this point have run pretty parrallel with Nietzsche's:

But my most recent ones have been more pertinent to society and politics, as outlined by a great thinker who posts his thoughts here:
and just about everywhere else on the net!.

But if you want to know most profound in the sense of the biggest leap!.!.!. it is hard to remember because I have incorporated them all and they now seem mundane, perhaps it was the realisation and acceptance of nihilism, which led me to the existentialist philosophy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That 1 in 6 males are sexually assaulted before the age of 16 and 1 in 4 women have been or will be sexually assaulted!.

Not sure if that was the sort of realization you were referring to!. It's more of an uncovered statistic than a personal discovery, but it has definitely changed my entire view of the world in ways I can't properly describe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I took Christianity out of it's religious frame work!. I saw this and it stunned me!.

The great realization for me was that ideas could exist before man ever knew what one was!. And that one idea above all wanted to be a man to share the message of eternal truth and ultimate love for man!. But that man killed him for doing so!. But that since ideas are not man made He arose from the dead and became alive inside the man who had died!. And he left the place of man!. And went into the realm of eternal ideas!. His truth is so profound that his idea lives inside those who have faith in him and live it's truth among men today!. But his truth is eternal truth!. Which means that something inside man must be eternal too!. For he promised his followers that they would come where he was to go!. When this mortal body dies, I too will go there where ideas never die!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My profound realization was in learning how to make self/not self, reason/feeling, observed/observer, God/not God!.!.!.self consistent--or understanding how all fit together as a whole!.

Since both the world and our ideas are created from the logic of existence, there is a necessary correspondence between mind and world!. In other words, the laws reflected in nature correspond to the laws of mathematics reflected in our minds since both are based on the more fundamental law of the logic of existence—God becoming free in the phenomenon of not being God!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When I was in my early 20's, I was having a disagreement with my step-father and I ended up yelling my answer to his question at him (the first time I ever yelled at him)!. It was at that moment that I realized that I was an adult, my own person, and I didn't have to do what he and other people told me to do anymore!. It didn't mean I was to become disrespectful and rebellious, but it liberated me to have my own opinions and act on them and to make decisions for myself even if they conflicted with what others thought!. Truly a GREAT moment!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That life is a big unanswered question, and the Universe is uncaring of our situation and provides no answers, from any other humans, books, gods, or anything!. It's just our existence, and pondering it makes the "Nausea" that Sartre wrote about!.
This was especially when my father died a few months ago (my mom died a few years ago) and I realized how real death is, and how short life is, and we don't and never will know if it means anything or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

two things went together - the realization that I was not actually totally responsible for the whole of humanity and I didn't have to protect other people from my truth!.

I don't know if much has changed since then in my social relations but I am easier in myself it is as if a lens was changed in my seeing and edges are clearer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was the realization that I am someone's mother!. I was no longer the young girl who was just responsible for herself, but now a woman who is to provide and nurture my children!.!.!.!.and hopefully as well as my parents did me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thanks for asking this question :) I love a lot of the answers on here :)

Mine is finding God again and becoming more spiritual and open to the metaphysical and "supernatural" :)

Love Light and Peace to all :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Self realisation!.!.!.!.!. all that it means!. All the knowledge which it has opened up!. All the divine experiences and visions and connections it has caused!.
A collective experience!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

God! In my 60 years of life, my most profound realization in life was my encounter with the Lord!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The realisation that this question is asking about realisations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That you change!. That you can change ways of seing things, feelings towards certain people or things or situations, etc!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

self-realization / self-actualization / spiritual awareness !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That what I think matters more than what other people think!.!.!.I can and should live my life the way I want to, despite other people's thoughts!. If I am not good enough for them!.!.!.tough!Www@QuestionHome@Com

that nothing has any meaning or purposeWww@QuestionHome@Com

that my parents are, after all, only human!.Www@QuestionHome@Com