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Position:Home>Philosophy> What are some particularly interesting concepts in philosophy?

Question: What are some particularly interesting concepts in philosophy!?
I am interested in reading about different aspects of philosophy, but I'm not exactly sure where to begin!.

Does anyone think they could give me some topics they find to be intriguing!?

By topics I mean solipsisms, epistemology, things like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Pascal's Wager is not considered a very honest wager!. The worship and fear of an authoritarian God who would torture people for eternity just because they were not submissive makes Pascal's wager not a very convincing argument for any modern philosopher!. The wager loses its punch as any good God, if any God exists, would have to be a more tolerant God who could abide by those who didn't care to waste the little time they had in their short lives in worshiping God!. In fact, such a God would hold in esteem those who would ignore God!. Only fundamentalists, who worship a demon God, would consider the wager to be worth anything more than an appeal to fear!.

But there are legitimate problems that exist in philosophy, although none that deal with theological issues!. The close work between phenomenologists, cognitive scientists, and neuroscientists on the mind - body issues is a very active area of philosophy!.

Another area that is active is extensions to Gottlob Frege's Theories of Logic and philosophy of mathematics!.

Other areas include philosophy of science, philosophy of language, environmental ethics, animal ethics, post communist and post capitalist theories of global societies, Queer Studies, Feminists Studies, and many other areas!.

Philosophy is alive and well even if God is dead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure if your looking for support of developing a material view or not but just in case I'll offer this thought!.

Cosmic concepts of true philosophy, the portrayal of celestial artistry, or our attempt to understand a recognition of divine beauty can never be truly satisfying if our attempted progression is not unified!. These expressions of the divine urge within the evolving self may be intellectually true, emotionally beautiful, and spiritually good; but the real soul of expression is absent unless these realities of truth, meanings of beauty, and values of goodness are unified in the life experience of the philosopher!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pascal's Wager (or Pascal's Gambit) is a suggestion posed by the French philosopher Blaise Pascal that even though the existence of God cannot be determined through reason, a person should "wager" as though God exists, because so living has potentially everything to gain, and certainly nothing to lose!. It was set out in note 233 of his Pensées, a posthumously published collection of notes made by Pascal in his last years as he worked on a treatise on Christian apologetics!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pragmatism - a theory of truth that focuses on a proposition's utility

Existentialism - about humans creating the meaning and essense of their livesWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. The nature of continuity and discontinuity in matter and energy!.

2!. Ultimate truth!.

3!. Is consciousness with self awareness necessarily eternal in existence!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Socrates!.!.!. "Know Thyself!." It has to do with consciousness and the ultimate reality of the "I Am!."

This explains it in understandable western terms!.!.!. http://gospelenigma!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ontology!. Without that nothing else even existsWww@QuestionHome@Com

qualia, consciousness, language of thoughtWww@QuestionHome@Com