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Position:Home>Philosophy> Why is it not possible to fall in love whenever you feel like doing it?

Question: Why is it not possible to fall in love whenever you feel like doing it!?
I'm talking about the characteristics of this human mechanism which facilitates love!. Consider this a Scientific question :)

Love is simply the most positive thing that could occur to you!. Merely thinking you're in love gives a new meaning to your life and a tremendous boost to your self-confidence!.!.!.it automatically leads to a feeling of invincibility; a total disregard for consequences; a general apathy towards your daily life concerns like money, job, a career, social obligations!. Nothing really matters when you're undergoing that kind of transition; your deep passion in another person simply makes you ALIVE in so many ways!. Life feels like a rollercoaster ride!.

The question here is why can't this EMPOWERING feeling come naturally to you when you want it the most!.!.!.!.!.!.why is it so difficult to find this level of inspiration when you really need it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If it were possible to turn a switch and be in love it would lose that magical,elusive part that makes us hunger for it!.!.!.!.we would grow bored,and love become mundane!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because love is only a biochemical reaction created by your brain to try and keep you with someone that would make a suitable mate in terms of procreation in an effective way that ensures the continuation of your genetic line!.

We define love as an emotion because, well, we like to define chemical modifications to out brain chemistry as emotions because it makes us feel more special, like we have all kinds of neat capacities that nobody else does!.

You can't turn it on like a switch for the same reason you can't turn it off like a switch!. It's an instinctive behavior that simply happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we could fall in love when we really needed a boost!.!.!.life would entail less suffering!. Which just seems inherently wrong somehow!. Of course, I disagree with your opinion on love!.!.!.I personally think it's one of the WORST things that can happen to you, as once it's over, suffering usually is usually increased tenfold, if not more!. Not to mention, mooning over someone and ignoring your responsibilities!? Not such a good thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Like any other emotion, love is conditional!. We like to romanticize love into this magical, unconditional feeling!. But the reality is that it only arises where circumstances provoke it!. That is why people don't often fall in love with ugly, destitute jerks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't understand why it is not possible!. I can fall in love at the drop of a hat, at the look in an eye, at a walk or laugh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question reveals a beautiful realization of truth and potential!.!.!.
Practice, practice, my friend!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love happen it is not made!. That is why so many are so unhappy in their relationships they either try to force love, make it up or mix up lust with love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it wouldn't be nearly so much fun!. You mentioned a roller coaster ride!. If you could control the coaster and slow it down, or stop and start at will, it would be boring, more like bumper cars!.
But why do you think this love feeling is "EMPOWERING" !? Your description (accurate) is that of a stoned, drunken state in which one doesn't give a damn about reality!.!.!.!.Socially dangerous, and it would have to be controlled or made illegal!. At least no one should be driving or operating heavy machinery under the influence of Love ;-)
As far as the mechanism, the chemicals that cause love have done their job when mating has occurred!. Then the two lovers have only a short time to get ready to sober up and be responsible by taking care of the offspring!. The "love muscles" and nervous system machinery get TIRED, and stay quiet for several years after that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com