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Question: Is It Okay For Dreams To Change!?
I dreamt of "saving the world" in more ways than one since I was a kid!.

Now, most of what I care about is just being happy and taking care of my family!. I sometimes wonder if I am being selfish, and this makes me wonder if my changing of dreams is good or not!.

Any insights!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Changing your dreams is a natural and healthy thing to do!.!.!. as we age, our plans change!.!.!.it is only fitting that our dreams change too!.
We realize, as we age, that in order to make the world a better place, we must first change ourselves!. Then the domino effect kicks in, with family, friends and society, then finally the world changing as well!. The problem is, by the time I have effected the change in the world, I will be long dead, so I can't enjoy it!.

Have a great day!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The way a change of dreams is a negative is if the aspiration is realistic and appropriate for your circumstances!. If tangible people rely on you, and you've made them promises that could come about because of the success of a dream, then you might be a disappointment, but not necessarily selfish!. If your dream is to finish college, than it is arguably as I said, disappointing, especially if you didn't pay your own way, but if your dream is to end world hunger, that's too much to expect of yourself, and is, therefore, not selfish to end the pursuit thereof!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe the only thing that comes free in life is the freedom to chioce!. It is aways ok to change your mind, but it need to way out your options to make sure the path you will be on is a positive one!.

As far as feeling as if you are being selfish; if you do not take care of you first, how can you be any good to anyone else!. I always thought I was being selfish and everyone but my came first!. I have changed that philosophy!. I believe if you take care of you first and you love and respect yourself that that is the only way to be there and repsect others!. No, it is not selfish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the only constant thing in life is change :)

Change always happen!. I used to dream of becoming a scientist/geologist/doctor/fossil hunter when i was a kid but now as a teenager, I want to be a computer animator!.

It's not necessarily selfish also!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

those are wonderful dreams! dreams can change as long as its what you really want!. Sometimes you cant stop yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everything in life changes!. It shows you are learning and or experimenting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com