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Position:Home>Philosophy> Love without FREEDOM or freedom without LOVE???

Question: Love without FREEDOM or freedom without LOVE!?!?!?
which one you prefer!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You got it Charlie!.!. In my opinion and experience, Love is Freedom, freedom to love, and Freedom Is Love!. Love to be and do as one will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You Are Not The Liberator-The Real Liberator Is Love

Our freedom is not meant to deny the emotionally moving, immediately experienced aspect of ourselves; quite the contrary, it is in this emotionally moving, immediately experienced aspect of ourselves where the divine becomes a shared experience!.

Love, propelled by the beauty it creates, burns through the senses in music, poetry, literature, painting, dance—all artistic forms of expression follow from it!. Love animates and grows!. Without it, there would be no work ethic, no survival!. Perhaps, someday, you will have the inclination and the time to look beyond yourself, to that world where creativity and love burn brightest!. If that day comes, I dare say you will come to know that love is what the Absolute Affirmation is all about!. It is love that must be affirmed!. You are not the liberator!. The real liberator is love!. Lover and beloved become as one in love!. All opposites come together in love!. Love is where real liberation takes place!. There is no substitute for it!. Separation does not exist there!. Love is the greatest apperception!. You have no power before love!. Freedom, beauty, and completeness are embedded there; the psychic and the cosmic are embedded there!. It is the same in death as in life, and I know that you know that, even if it is beyond you! You cannot change the unchangeable!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you love someone you give them the freedom!. If one is free then love is real and not imprisoned!. (If you want a delusional love where you are free to cheat then you do not love in the context of a relationship and should not be with that person as you are disrespecting thier "real" love and respect of your "freedom"-fine line here and few realy know it and know that freedom as well means freeing up time to be together and nurture a friendship that you can love and again give freedom to!. Kind of a circle or a balancing act and isn't work if you know what you're doing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First of all there is no correlation between the opposite of Freedom and Love!. One might assume that imprisonment in most context, would deny one the intent or ability to love, especially love the Custodian of that imprisonment!.

Secondly, to be free might imply just the enjoyment of that context, and Love might be an eventual byproduct, OR NOT!.!.!.

I think the question, or rather the context of the Q is relative, subjective, and certainly interpretive!. Since you offer no scenarios, or define the Q by examples, I suspect you'll get answers that offer both!.

Just my two "sense'

The "Rev!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ca either actually exist!?
Love without freedom would not result in "true" love, only obedience to the one so loved!.!. and slavery to the one who loved!.
Freedom without love is emotional emptiness and, thereby, not true freedom at all!.

Be well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Neither is possible!.

Love makes you lose freedom and there is no true love without true freedom!.

Prefer is for freedom w/o love because once you have freedom they can't take away the things that you love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He who is truly free is also loved , he who is truly loved possesses freedom without limits!.!.!.!.understanding these words are simple, understanding these concepts divine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both are just illusions of the mind!.
You can have both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I prefer "freedom without love"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love without FREEDOM P!.O!.S


freedom without LOVE is JUST HOLY SMOKEWww@QuestionHome@Com

Love itself is binding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am free to love!. Yet I love to be FreeWww@QuestionHome@Com

freedom without love!.
cos "love sets you free" is bull!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com