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Position:Home>Philosophy> How and when do you think the end of the world ( "dooms day") will hap

Question: How and when do you think the end of the world ( "dooms day") will happen!?
personally!.!.!.when the sun dies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When the world run out of food and fuel!.
Countries fought one another for survival!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It could be 28 minutes from now or 280 years from now!. When the superpowers square off against each other in two camps, then come back and we'll talk apacolypse!.

Until then, just think regional conflicts, wars between rump states, proxy wars and brinksmanship!. If you recall the Yom Kippur War in 1973, a coalition of Arab States (Egypt, Syria and Jordan) were soundly defeated by the Israelis!. That was a worse situation than the current conflict and it didn't raise a blip on the world war radar (not that it didn't have the potential to spark a global war)!.

The next World War will involve a nuclear exchange, how could it not!. In the first 30 minutes, nearly a billion people will have been vaporised, mostly in the US, Russia, Europe, China and Japan!. Another 1!.5 billion will die shortly thereafter from radiation poisoning!. The northern hemisphere will be plunged into prolonged agony and barbarity!.

Eventually the nuclear winter will spread to the southern hemisphere and all plant life will die!. You ask when is the apacolypse, you are asking when will we commit global suicide!. My answer is it won't happen soon because the larger superpowers are more rational than the rump states in the middle east!.

And to one of the guys above, Aphophis is scheduled to come close in 2029, but the real chance of impact will be in 2036, but even that chance is slight!.

Our biggest risk is an accidental launch of nukes by one of the nuclear powers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

actually no its when the world ends and that could be millions of years yet!. it has to be long time and when it does happen no one will realize it til its here and then we'll just go up in smoke and we'll be with God so take care its not time God has lots of time between now and then remember his time is just seconds to him which could mean long long time yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the world will end either:

When the Sun explodes!. I agree with you on this one!. It is inevitable according to Scientists that in so many billion years the sun will explode and nothing will be left on earth!.

But it could end earlier - when a country finally blows up the entire world and sacrifices each and every one of us!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If we can believe the math, finally the sun is going to explode and what we call earth will become radiation and ash in an instant!.
Your world will end when you die!. Many people forget that things will go on for a long time after they are gone!. Things will go on for a long time after the last human has died!.

It is all so automatic, I wonder why you are thinking about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when we run out of something we rely on and cant find anything to replace it!

ie: we run out of oil completely and have not yet found and alternative that doesn't use anything that runs on oil in its production!.
we have plenty of alternative fuels, problem is we need oil to produce them!. like ethanol would work, but first you need the farm equipment to run on something!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Y on earth are u so engrossed in the world's end when it has not even started yet!. My God is busy cleaning all the mess that we keep leaving behind us and He is patient!.So when He's done with us, then I guess this JUNK would be JUNKED away and a new clean place will be given for all of us to DIRTY AGAIN!?!?!?!?@@@###!?!?!?!? Is that the way some would like it out here!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well from the sound of the bible!.!.!.!.!.!.Jesus is supposed to come back, everyone drops to their knees!. Every believer is swept up into heaven!. There will be 2 beasts, the beast of the land, and the beast of the sea!. All the non-believers will go straight to hell and the world will be cast away forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think when the sun dies, no one really knows when the end of the world will come except god, Pray to god that it doesn't happen while Ur alive cause it'll be horrible!. Read Apocalypse in the bible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As we learn to love one another, we will create a Golden Age on Earth!. Gradually, as we increase the vibration, the earth will go from being physical to etheric!. That is the state of Heaven!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The sun is going to die in 5 billion years it will suck the world into it i read that!.!.!. :)
But probley 7!.4!.2012

lol for some reason as a child i alway thought thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

how and when would the end of days happen;everything will be distoryed and be restored back to life in a another life so i wouldnt even worry enjoy life like its your last day on eath live to the fullist go hardWww@QuestionHome@Com

Capitalist society downfall!. Hordes of desperate, destructive human beings and the eventual primitive society that will slowly cease to advance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Gamma-Ray Burst!. We're actually in the sights of a future one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Scientists recon that in 2026, a huge meteor will hit the earth and cause total world annihilation!. But I'm not sure weather this is true or not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Doomsday will happen when countries like China,Russia,and the America ran out of energy (ie oil)Www@QuestionHome@Com

When no one thinks the end is near!. The moment no one can predict!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

see the book Revelations!.!.!. and i am praying to God that there will be zombies!.!.!. i like zombiesWww@QuestionHome@Com

every day, u think as tomorrow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



hopefully>>>after i die :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

how!? rosie o'donnell will eat everyone!. when!? when its time for her breakfast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when we least expect it but the mayans say 2012Www@QuestionHome@Com