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Position:Home>Philosophy> Is it possible that there is a reality somewhere where the womb are connected to

Question: Is it possible that there is a reality somewhere where the womb are connected to computers!?
and the children that are born are cartoon characters!?

What are the limits to reality!? How much of it is this yahoo answers experience!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it's reality, right here, right now !!!

its a giant womb called "Half Life"!. cartoon characters are born and die there!.

soon advances will take us to dual cameras capturing our movements (and even emotions) and projecting us into a 3D inter-active experience!. there are no limits to reality, only our awareness and understanding of it!.

the yahoo answers experience is a tiny fraction of what is yet to come!. !. !. as long as man becomes non-violent and we all become more tolerant, the future for mankind will be "heaven on earth"!. As soon as 20-25 years !

Peace and Love


If the Universe is truly without limit, then all things must be possible!. That logic is as simple as it is irrefutable!.
And the modern view of physics is that there -are- an infinity of Universes, each with its own set of 'rules' and that in some of them (which are frequently refered to in the literature as 'Harry Potter Universes' ?) things which we might call 'magic' are quite ordinary and everyday happenings!.


What's scarier about this my friend is maybe in some dark place a real child is being brought into the world this way!. No mom!.!.!.!.needed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I really hope that reality is real somewhere!. (: That'd be AWESOME!.Www@QuestionHome@Com