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Position:Home>Philosophy> How do I ask a question without being guilty of some lack of knowledge ?

Question: How do I ask a question without being guilty of some lack of knowledge !?
who is my mother , what is my mother !? !? /Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Honesty is the best Policy !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Real mothers don't eat quiche, cause they don't have time to make it, besides all their kitchen utensils are outside in the sand box!.!.!.the beauty of motherhood is not in the clothes she wears or the way she combs her hair, it's reflected in her eyes, the doorway to her heart, her soul!.!.!.to know a mothers love, is to know!.!.!.to not know!.!.!.I could not say!.
at 4 years old mommy knows everything
at 8 Mom knows a lot
at 12 Mother really doesn't understand
at 18 the woman is hopelessly old fasion
at 24 she might know alittle about it
at 34 before we decide lets get Mom's opinion
at 44 I wonder what Mom would have thought about it
at 64 I wish I could talk it over with Mom!.!.!.
If you don't know who your mother is!.!.!.I'm truly sorry!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol well i know its kinda dorky, but after i ask a question, i say!. 'oh i knew that, i just wanted to see if u did' lol c then u can just say ur keeping them in check lol!. try it its sure to get some laughs, and hey even if they dont believe you then atleast u changed the subject!. lol!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A good mother is part of you, she is your rock that you build your life upon, she is your guide and mentor through life, she gives you teaching and comfort, she gave you life, she is your best friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lack of information is not ignorance
You ask questions and you help other people to understand
You can BE guilty and not feel guilty
You wouldn't ask a question if you didn't have some knowledge of the subjectWww@QuestionHome@Com

What is wrong with a lack of knowledge!? That is no crime!. As for your mother!.!.!.!.I've never met her, I really wouldn't know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is no guilt in innocent ignorance!. The guilt would be in ignorance that is chosen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

first thought
best thoughtWww@QuestionHome@Com